- subfoveal CNV 黄斑中心凹下脉络膜新生血管
- AIM:To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of laser transpupillary thermotherapy(TTT) for pathologic myopia accompanied with subfoveal choroidal neovascularization(CNV). 目的:观察经瞳孔温热疗法(TTT)治疗病理性近视合并中心凹下脉络膜新生血管(CNV)的疗效。
- AIM:To determine the long-term efficacy of transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) in the treatment of subfoveal choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). 目的:评价经瞳孔温热疗法(TTT)治疗年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD)所致黄斑中心凹下脉络膜新生血管(CNV)的长期疗效。
- Area of CNV was measured by computer image analysis software. 计算机图像分析软件测定CNV区域面积。
- Macular CWZ could be a predilection site of CNV in exudative AMD. 黄斑区 CWZ可能是渗出型 AMD的CNV好发部位。
- PCV could be a special type of CNV of exudative AMD. PCV与湿性AMD不尽相同,可能是AMD的另一种特殊类型,治疗可能应有所不同,有待于进一步研究。
- The present study measured CNV on 17 volunteerswith 2000,4000Hz pure tone. 测试音采用2000、4000H之纯音。
- Subretinal CNV might be the direct cause of CME secondary to exudative AMD. 结论 CME发生与CNV侵入视网膜感觉层下生长密切相关 ,视网膜下 CNV很可能是渗出型 AMD继发 CME的直接原因
- ADHD and CD patients presented irregular CNV wavefrom,especi ally CD patients. ADHD、CD波形均有变异,以CD为显著。
- ConclusionMacular CWZ could be a predilection site of CNV in exudative AMD. 结论黄斑区CWZ可能是渗出型AMD的CNV好发部位。
- By all appearances, CNV was rare and always a direct cause of disease. 显然,CNV是罕见的且往往是疾病的直接原因。
- Photodynamic therapy is a new treatment that may stabilize and improve vision in patients with subfoveal SRNVM by sealing off the abnormal vessels. 新疗法光动力疗法可把不正常的新增血管堵塞,有机会协助因深近视而出现脉络膜血管增生的病人,控制病情甚至改善视力。
- Coscas G.Perifoveal laser treatment for subfoveal new vessels in age-related macular degeneration[J].Arch Ophthalmol,1991,109:1258. 李萌昌;高巧云;李朝鲜.;黄斑区脉络膜新生血管的光凝治疗[J]
- CNV was firstly observed on day 7 after photocoagulation by FFA and histopathology. 光凝后7 d,FFA检查可见光凝区有圆盘状荧光素渗漏。
- Subsensory retina CNV mainly occur in non-exudative AMD cases and AMD cases with short course. 视网膜神经上皮下CNV多发生于非AMD患者及病程早期的AMD患者。
- Retinal function in para-macula area improved at the early stage after PDT for CNV. PDT治疗CNV性疾病早期可有效改善黄斑区外的视网膜光敏感性
- Exudative AMD mainly showed CNV with choroidoretinal exudation (56.52%) and CEC showed simple CNV (90 0%). 渗出型 AMD的 CNV以 CNV伴脉络膜视网膜渗出为主 ;有 13只眼 ;占 5 6 .;5 2%25;其 CNV累及范围较大 ;
- FFA combined with OCT is better for detecting the formation and the changes of CNV. FFA联合OCT可有效检测CNV的形成和变化。
- At six month, the curative effect of TTT to CNV of AMD is better than to CNV of high myopia. 6m时疗效AMD组好于高度近视组。
- In test group 36 eyes were detected CNV by FFA, 39 eyes were detected CNV by OCT. 实验组50眼FFA检查36眼明确检查出CNV,14眼检查未见CNV荧光表现;