- Its subject coverage includes: sol gel coatings. 它的主题涉及的范围包括:螺线管胶凝体涂层。
- Its subject coverage includes: the properties of PZT ceramics. 它的主题涉及的范围包括:PZT陶瓷性能。
- Its subject coverage includes: PZT ceramics processing. 它的主题涉及的范围包括:PZT陶瓷处理。
- Its subject coverage includes: temperature corrosion, fatigue, creep, etc. 它的主题涉及的范围包括:温度腐蚀,疲劳,蠕动,等;
- Its subject coverage includes: role of hydrogen, factors affecting embrittlement after heat treatment, and preventive measures. 它的主题涉及的范围包括:氢的作用、热处理后影响脆化的因素、预防措施。
- Its subject coverage includes: effect of nitriding on tribology, frictional wear, adherence of coatings, and sliding wear, etc. 它的主题涉及的范围包括 :电沉积,化学蒸汽淀积,真空金属涂层,硬镀铬物镀层;
- Its subject coverage includes: noise reduction, abatement, and cancellation in aircraft engines;and jet, turbojet, turbofan, and gas turbine engines. 它的广泛报导集中在载客汽车和其它机动车辆空气动力学的工程。
- Its subject coverage includes: NDT, NDE, NDI of aircraft and aircraft components;inspection and quality control;and testing techniques and equipment. 它的广泛报导集中在航空航天部件中金属间合金和它们的复合材料的发展、特性、生产与应用。
- Its subject coverage includes: synthesis techniques, including vapor infiltration and sol gel processing;densification techniques;and crystallization. 它的广泛报导集中在附近网成形、雾化、沉淀、纤维增强复合材料制造、微结构的演变与设备。
- Its subject coverage includes: detection;inspection;monitoring;NDT/NDE;oil and gas pipelines;and testing techniques and equipment. 它的广泛报导集中在探伤、检查、应力测量、试验设备、传感器和数据分析的发展。
- Its subject coverage includes: international DRI plant construction and modernization;production statistics;and process developments and improvements. 它的广泛报导集中在印刷电路、集成电路、连接材料、半导体、导线、粘结、钎焊、焊锡和焊接。
- Its subject coverage includes: densification, grain growth, process parameters, porosity, microstructure, and effect of sintering on mechanical properties. 它的主题涉及的范围包括:密封、晶粒生长、处理参数、多孔性、显微结构与烧结对机械性能的影响。
- Its subject coverage includes: the full range of techniques used for joining of aluminum, aluminized steel, or galvanized steel to similar or dissimilar metals or alloys. 它的主题涉及的范围包括 :被用来连接铝、渗铝钢,或者镀锌钢与相似的或不相似的金属或合金。
- Its subject coverage includes: use of ultrasonic, acoustic, eddy current, interferometry, and other nondestructive techniques for quality control, flaw detection, and wear analysis, etc. 它的主题涉及的范围包括:用于质量管理、探伤、与磨损分析等的超音波、声学、涡流、干涉量度学及其他非破坏性技术的使用;
- Its subject coverage includes: NDT, NDE;eddy current, ultrasonic, and acoustic emission testing;testing equipment;process development and automation;visual Inspection;and defect detection and sizing. 它的广泛报导集中在对弯曲、压缩、蠕动、落锤、延展性、疲劳、破裂、坚硬、流体静力、冲击、剥落、可塑性、拔出、爆裂、切变、僵硬、应力松弛、撕破、张力、扭力和磨损的测试。
- The coverage of the subject in his botany text is inadequate. 他的植物学教科书中对那题目的叙述不充分。
- The wedding got massive media coverage. 婚礼得到大众传播媒介的广泛报道。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- Its subject coverage includes: electrometallurgy; 它的主题涉及的范围包括 :着色处理;
- Its subject coverage includes: regions; 它的主题涉及的范围包括:地区;