- Through studying on the relationship between the subjective aspect and objective aspect, we deal with the basis of the crimination. 根据我国刑法的现行规定,共同犯罪是二人以上共同故意的犯罪。
- Our criminal law prescript the subjective aspect of joint crime is joint criminal intention only,but research on this topic is superficial. 即使我国刑法明确规定共同犯罪的主观要件只能是共同犯罪故意,对于共同故意的深入探讨也寥寥无几。
- The subjective aspect of joint crime is an important criterion of cognizing joint crime,and also the subjective foundation of joint criminalist take on the criminal duty. 共同犯罪的主观要件是认定共同犯罪的重要标准,更是共同犯罪人承担刑事责任的主观基础。
- The one-sided accomplice amends the following sides of the complicity: subject of crime, subjective aspect and objective aspect. 片面共犯对全面共犯构成要件的修正主要表现在犯罪主体、主观方面及客观方面上。
- Apart from the subjective aspect,such as scaring of financial problem and founding late of its system,the most important is that there are some subjective reasons. 除了制度本身起步较晚以及我国财政资金缺乏等一些客观因素外,还有许多影响刑事法律援助质量的主观原因。
- Islamic feminity reflects the conception of mutual promotion between men and women, and the gender harmony on the subjective aspect, signifying women's social attribution as human being. 摘要伊斯兰教妇女观,在主体方面体现了“男女相生”、“性别和谐”的观念,凸现了妇女作为“人”的社会属性。
- It's mainly composed of the subject aspect that the sufferer has the subjective fault and the object aspect that sufferer's behavior must be improper and have causation with damages. 过失相抵规则的构成主要为主观方面和客观方面,主观方面即受害人主观上与有过失;
- However, it is a pity that at present, few teachers can fully takeadvantage of multimedia as the teaching assistant instrument, and investigatehow to use computer to help teaching from the subject aspect. 然而,在现阶段中学教师真正能把计算机多媒体设备当作自己教学工作的工具,并从自己学科的角度研究如何使用计算机配合自己的教学还很少。
- counter-detection subjective aspect 反侦查主观方面
- In China,“ harmfulness to society cognition” is also an important element of subjective aspects of a crime. 在中国,社会危害性认识也是犯罪构成要件主观罪过的重要内容。
- Embezzlement accomplice should have three conditions including crime subject, objective and subjective aspects. 挪用公款罪的共犯必须同时具备犯罪主体、观方面、观方面三个条件。
- The fourth part talks about subjective aspects of drug crimes from three aspects of sin of drug crimes, the purpose of crimes and knowledge of illegality. 文章第四部分从毒品犯罪的罪过、犯罪目的和违法性三个方面论述了毒品犯罪主观方面的问题。
- the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion. 有意识的、主观的情绪或情感。
- Discussion on subjective aspect of illegal medical practice crime 试论非法行医罪的主观方面
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- The house has a southern aspect. 这所房子朝南。
- On the Subjective Aspect of Illegal Practice of Medicine 略论非法行医罪的主观方面
- It breaks new ground in reducing the subjective aspects of the lexicographer's art by bringing the computer to work more fully than in any previous dictionary. The format is clear with not too many typefaces, and not too many arcane symbols in the text. 它比以前任何词典都更加充分地让计算机在编写工作中发挥作用,从而减少了编纂者的主观性,这是COBUILD的独到之处,COBUILD版面清晰,没有过多的字体变化,正文中也没有过多的陌生符号。
- A young woman, of sullen aspect, was sitting alone on the bench. 一个面色忧郁的年轻女人独自坐在长凳上。
- Another aspect of our work is tracking down wild and native potato. 我们工作的另一方面是追寻野生长土生的土豆。