- But the subjective wishes and object effect cannot to be unanimous. 但主观的愿望与客观的效果并不能够达到完全的一致。
- Subjective wishes are one thing, objective reality is another. 主观愿望是一回事,实际情况又是一回事。
- Subjectivism means proceeding not from objective reality and from what is actually possible, but from subjective wishes. 主观主义就是不从客观实际出发,不从现实可能性出发,而是从主观愿望出发。
- For audience, also hope to participate the process of the medium dissemination on the subjective wishes, express an own living wishes and exist an experience. 对于受众而言,在主观愿望上,也希望能参与到媒介传播的过程中,表达自己的生活愿望和生存体验。
- I wish I could be a master of this subject. 但愿我能精通这门学科就好了。
- There is no one but wishes to get somewhere. 没有人不希望将来能有所成就。
- Please convey my good wishes to your mother. 请向您母亲转达我的祝愿。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- Every mother's son wishes to be considered Solomon. 人人都希望被大家看做是聪敏人。
- Christmas greetings and best wishes! 致圣诞贺忱与最美好的祝福!
- It pleased me to indulge her wishes. 放手满足她的欲望,使我感到高兴。
- Please accept my sincere thanks and best wishes. 请接受我诚挚的感谢和最美好的祝愿。
- He posed as an authority on that subject. 他以那个问题的权威自居。
- Don't go against your parents/your parents' wishes. 不要违背父母的意愿。
- In one's own home, one can act however one wishes. 一个人在自己家里,可以爱怎么做就怎么做。
- I have no pretence to be an expert on the subject. 我并不自命是这方面的专家。
- You have deliberately acted against my wishes. 你故意和我的想法对著干。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- He booked the holiday without regarding my wishes. 他不考虑我的意愿就把假日的一切都定下来了。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。