- submersion dehydration 浸渍脱水
- The eyes are often retracted from dehydration. 眼睛常因脱水而凹陷。
- The passenger is suffering from dehydration. 乘客们口渴难忍。
- Diarrhea also leads to dehydration. 腹泻也会导致脱水。
- The passengers are suffering from dehydration . 乘客们口渴难忍。
- The passengers are suffering from dehydration. 乘客们口渴难忍。
- Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue. 脱 水 是 疲 劳 的 主 要 原 因 。
- He died from severe dehydration. 他死于严重脱水。
- Drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration. 多补充水份,防止脱水。
- Treatment of diarrhea caused by mild dehydration. 治疗腹泻造成的轻度脱水。
- Fiber is shrinking water-swellable, dehydration. 纤维的共性是吸火扩弛,脱火关上。
- Moreover, what is an obscure corner in such a submersion of joy? 更何况在一片欢乐中一个阴暗的角落又算得了什么?
- An unextinguished fire also contributed to the ship’s submersion. 无法扑灭的大火也促使这艘轮船沉没水中。
- In the desert you must take plenty of liquid to avoid dehydration. 在沙漠中,为防止脱水,你一定得带上足够的水。
- Dehydration is the most important health issue of summer. 脱水是夏季保健中最重要的一个问题。
- This loss of sodium can cause dehydration and cramping. 钠流失会造成脱水和抽筋。
- Without intense treatment, the victims of parvo die of dehydration. 没有强有效的治疗,细小的受害者会死于脱水。
- In the desert you must take plenty of liquid to avoid dehydration . 在沙漠中,为防止脱水,你一定得带上足够的水。
- Background Drowning is defined as death due to submersion in liquid. 背景:溺死是指淹没于液体之中发生的死亡。