- subschema DDL 子模式数据描述语言
- The following example drops DDL trigger safety. 以下示例将删除DDL触发器safety。
- You have to understand DDL trigger scope. 了解DDL触发器的作用域。
- DDL triggers cannot be used as INSTEAD OF triggers. DDL触发器无法作为INSTEAD OF触发器使用。
- Like DML triggers, DDL triggers can be nested. 与DML触发器相同,可以嵌套DDL触发器。
- WTC Enhancement of DDL V Production Logging System. DDL-V WTC仪的改进
- Both DML and DDL triggers are open to this kind of security threat. 对于此类安全隐患,DML和DDL触发器都处于打开状态。
- Applies the scope of a DDL or logon trigger to the current server. 将DDL或登录触发器的作用域应用于当前服务器。
- The following is a list of the new Full-Text Search DDL statements. 以下是新的全文搜索DDL语句的列表。
- Not all DDL events can be used to fire DDL triggers. 并非所有的DDL事件都可用于激发DDL触发器。
- DDL trigger names are scoped with respect to the parent entity. DDL触发器名称的作用域取决于父实体。
- DDL triggers and DML triggers are used for different purposes. DDL触发器和DML触发器的用处不同。
- A data schema, especially a data subschema in a relational data system. 关系数据系统中的数据模式,特别是子模式。
- A data schema,especially a data subschema in a relational data system. 关系数据系统中的数据模式,特别是子模式。
- Create DDL triggers for responding to database structure changes. 为响应数据库结构发生变化而生成DDL触发器.
- A trigger that fires in response to data definition language (DDL) statements. 为响应数据定义语言(DDL)语句而激发的触发器。
- Removed DDL from the list of statements that are valid for use with synonyms. 从有效使用同义词的语句列表中删除了DDL。
- Contains the set of all server-level DDL triggers with object_type of TR or TA. 包含object_type为TR或TA的所有服务器级别DDL触发器的集合。
- DDL triggers can be used to audit or regulate changes to a database schema. DDL触发器可用于审核或控制对数据库架构的更改。
- DDL triggers operate on CREATE, ALTER, DROP, and other DDL statements. DDL触发器在CREATE、ALTER、DROP和其他DDL语句上操作。