- subscribers uniselector 用户旋转式选择器
- The magazine is trying to get more subscribers. 该杂志正在努力发展更多的订阅者。
- Many subscribers' names are in the petition. 请愿书上有很多签名者的名字。
- The number of phone subscribers increased last month. 上个月电话用户数增加了。
- The new journal is bombard with letters of criticism from the subscribers. 订阅者的批评信使这份新杂志感到措手不及。
- This newspaper has a large number of subscribers. 这份报纸有很多订阅者。
- The new journal was bombarded with letters of criticism from the subscribers. 订阅者的批评信使这份新杂志感到措手不及。
- ISDN subscribers need special modems. isdn的用户需要特殊的modem。
- You can number him among the subscribers. 你可把他包括在捐献者之中。
- Updatable Subscribers: Replica is not updatable. 可更新订阅服务器:复本不可更新。
- Very high bit rate Digital Subscribers Line. 超高速对称型数字用户专线。
- Durable and non-durable subscribers work! 持久和非持久订户成功了!
- The paging station has over a million subscribers. 该寻呼台拥有100多万用户
- This is one of your newspaper subscribers. 订: 我是贵报的订户。
- How many subscribers does this magazine have ? 这杂志有多少订户/
- How to boost your e-zine subscribers! 如何刺激你的电子杂志订阅!
- The HLR stores information about home?subscribers. HLR 存储有关"归属"用户的信息。
- The U.S. also provides FTTH for home subscribers. 美国也为家庭用户提供FTTH方式。
- Many subscribers' names are in the petition . 请愿书上有很多签名者的名字。
- Last year, 82% of subscribers renewed. 去年有82%25的订户要求续订。