- Small one year subscription fee. 小额的一年期捐赠费用。
- If yes, how much is the subscription fee per year? 如是,大约多少订阅费一年?
- Both Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription Fee are payable in the first year. 入会费及年费须于入会首年缴交。
- Subscription fees are non-refundable and must be paid in advance and cannot be interchanged. 订购费用必须预先缴付,所缴款项将不可退还或转作其他用途。
- We are pleased to announce that CABAL Online will soon cease charging a monthly subscription fee. 我们很荣幸地宣布,惊天动地将取消游戏月费。
- Attempts to charge subscription fees or set up "micropayment" schemes have failed. 诸如收取订阅费或者办理“小额交易”等的尝试也均以失败而告终。
- In the brave new world, subscription fees are gone and the salespeople are replaced by CPM advertising engines. 谷歌为了整合世界信息,她也尝试着要消灭她的劲敌:微软。
- Complete search and download access to thousands of technical books for a one-time subscription fee. 一次性付清订费,全面搜索和下载数千本技术书籍。
- At first Changyou charged subscription fees to play, but abandoned them because multiplayer games are generally more fun with more players. 一开始该游戏还要付费才能玩,但畅游不久就宣布其免费以赚取更多人气。
- Like the freehanded Guild Wars, there present be no subscription fee for Guild Wars 2. 赶快进入游戏,踏上联赛征程,证明自己的实力吧!
- Nope.Like the freehanded Guild Wars, there present be no subscription fee for Guild Wars 2. 女人千挑万拣地把新衣挂进衣橱时,总以为那是最漂亮的一件,事后才发现最漂亮的衣服永远挂在商店的橱窗里。
- If your downline members have their subscription fee deducted from commissions each month, there is no reason to leave! 如果您downline成员有其认购费扣除每月佣金,没有任何理由离开!
- Parent-members have to pay subscription fees every year.The amount of annual subscription fee is to be discussed and determined in the AGM. 家长会员每年须缴付会费,每年会费之数目在周年会员大会上商议决定。
- The modest HKYHA subscription fee allows young people in Hong Kong to enjoy comfortable and safe accommodation in all the 5 000 global youth hostels of the IYHF network. 本港的青年人只须缴交低廉的费用,便可享用国际青年旅舍联会全球5000间既舒适又安全的青年旅舍。
- Connect to IMAP and HTTP e-mail servers, including MSN Hotmail, America Online (AOL), and Yahoo! Mail (subscription fees might be required by the provider). 连接到IMAP和HTTP电子邮件服务器,包括MSN Hotmail、America Online(AOL)和Yahoo!Mail(供应商可能会要求订费)。
- Reasonable subscription fees provided by content providers make it possible for the non-profit AAAS to maintain this free science-news service for reporters. 新闻提供者支付的合理订购费帮助非营利性AAAS持续向记者免费提供科学新闻服务。
- The operation of UFI and its offices is financed by the UFI members' subscription fees, payable on an annual basis (the financial year being from 1 July to the 30 June). UFI的经营和办公费用都是依靠UFI成员每年的捐献而来(费用期限是今年的7月1日到明年的6月30日)。
- I also understand that the Membership will be renewed annually upon payment of the subscription fee (except Life Member). 本人亦明白此会籍需每年缴交年费,会籍则获续期(永久会员除外)。
- SPB TV provides users with lots of channels in multiplelanguages with easy-to-use features and settings.No subscription fee! %23 来自于17余个国家的多个频道 SPB TV is a highly usable IP-TV solution; optimized to run on mobiledevices.
- If a member fails to pay for the annual subscription fee before the deadline for payment, IMU reserves the right to suspend his/her membership privileges immediately. 如会员于最后限期前未能缴交年费,本会保留立即终止其一切权益的权利。