- Yang, C.-Y.(1972) Note on the subsurface unconformity in the Pakuashan area. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 10, 179-186. 杨健一(1972)八卦山区之地下不整合。台湾石油地质,第10号,第179-186页。
- subsurface unconformity 地下不整合
- There is sufficient sand available to blanket the unconformity. 这里有充足的砂质物铺盖不整合面。
- This study is concerned essentially with subsurface water. 这里的研究主要针对地下水。
- This is the important link for problems of subsurface flow. 这是解决地下水问题的重要一环。
- There is sufficient sand available to smooth the unconformity. 这里有充足的砂子铺盖不整合面。
- Both surface and subsurface data could be used together. 还能使这两种资料配合使用。
- At Scinto 6 uranium occurs in much altered dolerite below the unconformity. “辛托6”的铀矿体产于不整合面之下变质甚深的粒玄岩中。
- The unconformity marks the change from fluvial to marginal marine deposition. 不整合面标志着河相至边缘海相沉积的相变。
- They can be misidentified easily in the subsurface as fossil offshore bars. 它们在地下深处最易于与石化了的滨外沙洲混淆起来。
- This region can be considered to consist of surface atoms and subsurface atoms. 该区域可被看作为由表面原子和亚表面的原子所组成。
- Perhaps this is caused by the sudden melting of subsurface permafrost. 可能是地下永久冻土突然融化所造成。
- Subsurface water applications usually permit additional simplification. 应用于地下水时,一般还允许进一步的简化。
- A sticky, bluish-gray subsurface layer of clay found in some waterlogged soils. 潜育土一种蓝灰色表层下的胶粘的粘土层,见于某些渍水土壤中
- Familiar with surface and subsurface silkscreen multicolor printing. 熟悉表面及表面下多色丝网印刷。
- Note that the peg is 'sheared' from the subsurface gate in tile process. 注意在这个过程中柱销和潜伏式浇口之间被剪断。
- The erosional surface dissected by such valleys may subsequently become an unconformity in the stratigraphic sequence. 被这种河谷切割的侵蚀面后来可能成为地层层序中的不整合性。
- The unconformity between the Eocene and the Lower Cretaceous is common in Jiuquan basin. 酒泉盆地普遍发育了始新统与下白垩统之间的不整合。
- Unconformity with your instructions, we have have the goods insure against total loss only. 遵照贵方指示,我们已将货物投保全损险。
- It is the responsibility of the subsurface stratigrapher to ferret out from these studies, or materials. 地下地层工作的责任在于把那些研究材料检索出来。