- What is the rule for subtraction of like fractions? 两分母相同的分数减法法则?
- Advance on Study of Matrix Attachment Region. 核基质结合区的研究进展。
- The Quality for Rand and Index of Matrix Power. 矩阵乘幂的秩及其指标的性质。
- subtraction of matrix 矩阵的相减
- Similarly, the order of matrix multiplication is important. 同样,矩阵相乘的顺序也是重要的。
- The following illustration shows two examples of matrix addition. 下图显示了两个矩阵相加的示例。
- When we do addition and subtraction of decimals, we should cross out the 0 at the end. 根据小数的性质:小数末尾的0去掉,小数的大小不变。
- In this class we are going to learn the essence of addition and subtraction of decimals. 我们今天学习小数加、减法的意义及计算法则。
- In this paper, we give a survey of matrix approach in wavelet t. 本文系统总结了小波分析中的矩阵方法,给出了我们得到的一些相关结果。
- How is the essence of subtraction of decimals related to the essence of subtraction of whole numbers? 由此可以看出小数减法的意义与整数减法的意义有什么关系?
- Zhuangzi holds that the secret of apprehending Tao is subtraction of life, namely "emptiness". 摘要庄子认为,悟道真正的奥秘在于“虚”。
- Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation of runoff. 因此,盐度通过蒸发减少水分而上升或通过降水或径流增加淡水成分而下降。
- The following illustration shows several examples of matrix multiplication. 下图显示了矩阵相乘的几个示例。
- The Exploitation and Application of Matrix LCD in Portable Data Recorder. 点阵式液晶显示器在便携式查表器中的开发与应用。
- For the subtraction of the reference values a special procedure is used, which ensures a phased subtraction of the errors of the table! 参考值的减值运用了一个特殊步骤,来确保转台误差与图像同步的减值。
- Based on sign digit negabinary representation, the two step addition and one step subtraction of arbitrary length operands can be performed. 基于符号数字负二进制表达,提出了任意字长操作数的并行两步加法与一步减法。
- Osteoblasts are lined up along its borders, depositing another layer of matrix. 成骨细胞排列于周边成一排(层),分泌形成另外一层骨基质。
- Transverse cracking of matrix is a main damage type of cross-ply laminates. 摘要基体横向开裂是复合材料正交层板的主要损伤类型。
- It works largely by altering the methylation patterns"the addition or subtraction of methyl groups"around a gene, but not the DNA sequence itself. 这一过程很大程度上是通过改变甲基化模式,即在某一基因上添加或除去甲基基团,而不是改变其DNA序列来起作用的。
- Because it is no longer directly associated with an identifiable time, the addition and subtraction of date and time intervals does not consider a time zone's adjustment rules. 由于它不再直接与可识别的时间关联,因此日期和时间间隔的加减运算不考虑时区的调整规则。