- sudden death heart disease 心脏病猝死
- Inquire about a family history of sudden death, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or other organic heart disease. 查询卒死、肥厚性心肌病及其他器质性心脏病的家族史。
- A predisposition to heart disease would probably increase your risk of sudden death, but it happens at all ages and can happen to otherwise healthy people. 易患心脏疾病的体质可能会增加暴亡的危险,并且在任何年龄段都可能发生,并且会因其他原因发生在健康的人身上。
- Conclusion The prevention and heath care to the aged with coronary heart disease or arrhythmia history in the winter and spring is key to decrease the pre-hospital sudden death. 结论在冬春季节对有冠心病、心律失常病史的老年人,进行积极的预防保健,可减少院前猝死的发生。
- Serious cardiac muscle is short of blood, cause ventricle to attack move and ventricular and vibratile, intercurrent coronary heart disease and heart disease of lobar source sex cause sudden death. 严重的心肌缺血,引发心室扑动和心室颤动,并发冠心病和肺源性心脏病造成猝死。
- Sudden death due to pulmonary heart disease in 7 cases 肺心病猝死7例分析
- His sudden death upset everybody. 他的突然去世使大家深感悲伤。
- I was amazed by the news of George's sudden death. 听到乔治突然去逝的消息,我感到惊愕。
- He was numbed by his wife's sudden death. 妻子的突然去世使他惊呆了。
- We were astonished at the news of her sudden death. 她突然去世的消息使我们震惊。
- Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease. 胸痛可能是心脏病的症状。
- Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease. 吸烟是引起心脏病的一种病因。
- There's a high incidence of heart disease there. 那个地方心脏病的发病率很高。
- His wife's sudden death upset the balance ofhis mind. 他妻子突然去世,他感到六神无主。
- Her chief anxiety is that her baby is ill with heart disease. 她主要的忧虑是她的婴儿得了心脏病。
- There had to be an inquest on his sudden death. 必须对他的突然死亡进行调查。
- The sudden death of her mother's caused her grief. 母亲的死很突然,她很难受。
- The news of her son's sudden death bowled me out. 她儿子猝然辞世的消息使我大吃一惊。
- He was numbed by his wife rs sudden death. 妻子的突然去世使他惊呆了。
- Tension is a major cause of heart disease. 精神紧张是引起心脏病的主要原因.