- sudden disastrous events 突发灾难事件
- sudden disastrous event 突发性灾难事件
- Among the early-age children, the unease dreams concerning the disastrous events will gradually become nightmare about devils. 在年幼的儿童中,对创伤性事件的不安的梦境会逐渐变成有关魔鬼的梦魇。
- However, despite this desire to kill his stepfather, Hamlet struggles to achieve his purpose and a series of disastrous events ensue. 这 时,哈姆雷特看到他心虚跪地祷告的叔父时,心中的疑惑一扫而空,确信了父亲的灵魂所言属实。
- Americans and warm-hearted people all over the world, young or old, will feel sorrow for this disastrous event and remember it in a very personal way. 美国人民和全世界所有善良的人们,不论长幼,都会为这场悲剧哀悼,会将这可怕的一天永远留存在记忆中。
- Self-risk evaluation of the seismic information safety plan of the command system during a disastrous event is also discussed. 介绍了对一个灾难中指挥系统地震信息安全计划的自我风险评估。
- Any emergency event is bound to affect the public awareness and behavior, which in turn have a great unpredicted influence on the course of disastrous events. 摘要任何突发公共安全事件一定会影响到公众的心理,而公众的心理行为反过来又会对事件的发展演变产生巨大的影响。
- Psychological Intervention in Disastrous Events 灾难性危机事件的心理干预
- A sudden shock, revelation, or turn of events. 不寻常的事突发的令人震惊的事、新发现或事件的转折
- He twisted up with a sudden stab of pain. 一阵突然的剧疼使他挺不起身来。
- Ice flood is sudden, speedy, permanent, disastrous. 冰凌洪水突发性强、涨势猛、持续时间长、冰凌运行规律较难掌握,产生的灾害有时更甚于暴雨洪水。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold. 一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒流中被冻死。
- The boy jumped up in surprise at the sudden noise. 突如其来的响声吓得这个男孩跳了起来。
- We were seized by a sudden impulse to run. 我们身不由己突然想跑。
- The populace at large are opposed to sudden change. 人民群众普遍反对突然实行的变革。
- The economic position of the country is disastrous. 国家的经济形势非常糟糕。
- A sudden, thought flashed across his brain. 突然一种想法在他脑海里闪过。
- The boy began crying all of a sudden. 那男孩忽然哭了起来。