- sudden onset of leucorrhagia 白崩
- And what causes the sudden onset of magnetic reconnection? 又是什麽因素使得磁场突然重连?
- The patient can experience sudden onset of shortness of breath. 病人可突然出现呼吸急促。
- There is sudden onset of tachypnea dyspnea, and tachycardia. 突然发作呼吸急促、呼吸困难和心动过速。
- A young man experienced the sudden onset of back pain. 一个年轻的男性患者,突然感到后背疼痛。
- Unfortunately, he suffered from sudden onset of aphasia one week later. 不幸的是,术后一星期突然出现失语症。
- How could the insurance company refuse a baby with a sudden onset of leukemia? 保险公司怎么会对有关突发白血病的婴儿不予过问呢?
- Because of sudden onset of dyspnea, he was sent to our emergency department. 经间接喉镜检查,发现声门下区有一肿瘤。
- The earliest symptom is a sudden onset of high fever with or without muscle aches. 最早的症状是突然发高烧,肌肉酸痛可有可无。
- We report a 70-year-old man who presented with sudden onset of left eye proptosis, ptosis and diplopia after severe vomiting. 摘要非创伤性的眼窝骨膜下出血曾经被报导过,一般都是因突然间的脑静脉压上升,或是全身性有出血倾向的疾病,或鼻窦炎。
- Howeer, one must be igilant for the insidious or sudden onset of respiratory depression including apnea. 但是,必须考虑到存在隐匿或突发呼吸抑制的风险,包括呼吸暂停。
- However, one must be vigilant for the insidious or sudden onset of respiratory depression including apnea. 但是,必须考虑到存在隐匿或突发呼吸抑制的风险,包括呼吸暂停。
- The patient had sudden onset of coffee ground vomitus without any symptoms of gastrointestinal obstruction. 病患因突然呕吐一些咖啡样物而到院求诊,事前并无任何胃肠道阻塞的症状。
- Last week, Kailee suffered a sudden onset of intense pain in her right chest above her central line. 上一周,凯丽右侧的锁骨静脉置管突然出现了一阵剧烈的疼痛。
- Sudden onset of high fever, severe headache, muscle pain, joint pains, eyepit pain and serious fatigue. 突发高烧、剧烈头痛、眼眶痛、肌肉及骨关节痛、明显疲乏等症状。
- We need to pay attention to patients presenting with a sudden onset of diffuse abdominal pain and signs of peritonitis. 因此对于突发弥漫性腹痛的患者、特别是并有腹膜炎迹象,必须提高警觉。
- Sudden onset of cardiac arrest occurred and a post-mortem examination revealed staphylococcal pancarditis. 尔后发生突发性心跳暂停。
- These images are from an86 year old man, with a history of atrial fibrillation and diabetes mellitus, who had the sudden onset of fluent aphasia. 这些影像来自一位86岁的老年男性,具有心房纤颤和糖尿病的历史,突发流利性失语。
- In its severe form, cholera is characterised by sudden onset of profuse watery diarrhoea with rice-water like stool, nausea and vomiting. 严重的病患者在发病时会出现大量腹泻,粪便呈米汤状,以及恶心和呕吐。