- Who shall suffer punishment, even eternal destruction from the face of the Lord and from the glory of his might. 当主来的时候,他们要受永远沉沦的惩罚,就是离开主的面和他权能的荣光。
- The wicked man suffered punishment. 歹徒受到了惩罚。
- How the beasts groan! The herds of cattle are confused, For they have no pasture; The flocks of sheep also suffer punishment. 牲畜哀鸣,牛群混乱,因为没有草场;羊群也受了灾罚。
- He suffers punishment that be forced to sleep by without supper. 他受处罚不让吃晚饭就被打发去睡觉。
- He has suffered punishment,without eating supper he has just been sent to bed. 他受到了惩罚,没有吃晚饭就给送上床了。
- He has suffered punishment, without eating supper he has just been sent to bed. 他受到了惩罚,没有吃晚饭就给送上床了。
- Last week, cai Erci suffers punish of suspend sb from his duties accordingly. 上周,蔡尔兹因此遭到停职处分。
- It will be unjust to let me suffer for the folly of other people. 让我因他人的愚昧而受罪是不公平的。
- Alcoholics often suffer from periods of oblivion. 饮酒过度的人常常失去记忆。
- She begs them not to punish her son severely. 她恳求他们不要给他儿子太重的处罚。
- Many adolescents suffer from/have acne. 很多青少年患有痤疮[长粉刺]。
- He is exempt from punishment about this thing. 关于此事对他已免于处分。
- The bad man will suffer eternal damnation. 坏人将会受到永远的惩罚。
- Punishment had very little effect on him. 惩罚对他没有什么效果。
- A priest must learn to be tolerant and always suffer fools gladly. 一个神父必须学会宽容和永远甘心容忍愚妄的人。
- He richly deserved the punishment he received. 他受到的处罚是罪有应得。
- Peter seems to delight in other people suffer. 看来彼得是以他人的痛苦为乐。
- Sixty abstain in the vote on capital punishment. 在表决死刑时,60位下议院议员弃权。
- The criminal was sentenced to capital punishment. 罪犯被判处死刑。
- The punishment inflicted on them was too mild. 他们受的惩罚太轻。