- The rise and fall of overseas Chaozhoulese sugar refining industry during the early days of the Siamese Bangkok Dynasty 泰国曼谷王朝时期潮人制糖业的兴衰
- sugar refining industry 制糖工业
- In oil refining industry curing catalysis decomposition. 炼油工业中的硫化催化裂解。
- The American Sugar Refining Company would certainly be in an ideal position to push any new competitor off the map. 美国炼糖公司就必然处于一种理想的地位,可以把任何新的竞争者挤得不能立足。
- Sugar refining was developed in China, India, and the Middle East, where it became a staple of cooking and desserts. 食糖精炼技术则发端于中国,印度和中东,在那里食糖被广泛用于烹调和甜点制作。
- Application: urban sewage and industrial effluent water treatment; Mineral processing, paper making, sugar refining, metallurgy, petroleum mining industries Process flocculation. 应用:城市污水、各种工业污水、自来水处理中;选矿、造纸、制糖、冶金、石油开采等行业的工艺过程中絮凝性能。
- First of all, the refining industry is inseparable from the environmental protection policy. 首先,精炼和环保行业密不可分。
- These are recommended dose rates for Sugar Refining and related decolorization applications but dose rates for other applications and filter types may vary. 当活性炭用于精制糖和糖液脱色时可按下列建议剂量使用硅藻土,用于其他场合时应根据过滤装置类型进行调整。
- The American Petroleum Institute (API) Data-Book is an important tool being widely used in petroleum refining industry. 美国石油协会(API)手册是一种重要的数据手册,常为炼油生产者及设计者所采用。
- To increase gasoline octane number and produce high quality gasoline is an important task for oil refining industry . 提高汽油辛烷值,生产高品质汽油是炼油工业的重要任务。
- The result that bring about is, petroliferous as some gain as oil refining industry. 导致的结果是,产油与炼油行业苦乐不均。
- Superior white sugar for export is produced in Zhangzhou Sugar Mill with a new sugar refining method, i.e. direct carbonation of raw sugar remelt without affination and using four-boiling double magma system for industrial sucrose crystallization. 本文主要论述了福建漳州糖厂利用原有设备,采用原糖不复筛直接回溶进行碳酸饱充脱色和四系套种煮糖的炼糖方法,生产出口优级白砂糖。
- The impact of Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) on petroleum refining industry was the main subject under discussion in the 90th NPRA annual meeting. 本届年会的中心议题是清洁空气法修正案(CAAA)对炼油工业的影响。
- The sucrose contained in molasses is obviously cheaper, but the compositions of molasses varies greatly with sources (cane or beet), quality of the crop and the nature of the sugar refining process. 糖蜜含有的蔗糖明显便宜,但是糖蜜的成分根据来源的不同变化很大(甘蔗或甜菜),收获农产品的质量和糖精炼工艺的种类。
- Naphthenic acid corrosion at high temperature has been an old enemy in oil refining industry, and also one of the problems desiderate to be solved. 摘要高温环烷酸腐蚀是世界炼油工业的宿敌,也是目前亟待解决的难题之一。
- A new method for the determination of chloride ion in oil refining industry sewage by automatic electrictitration method was recommended. 介绍自动电位滴定法测定炼油工业污水中氯离子含量。
- The scale of the cutback is the starkest illustration yet of the severity of the collapse in fuel demand and the effect on the refining industry. 炼油厂建设项目缩减规模之大,使其成为迄今最明确的迹象,表明燃料需求崩溃及其对炼油业影响的严重性。
- The database of corrosion ca-ses could provide a simple and convenient way for the historical file management of equipment corrosion in petroleum refining industry. 腐蚀事例数据库为各炼油企业设备腐蚀历史档案管理提供了一种简便易行的方法。
- The domestic refining industry is challenged by the oversupply of transportation fuels and by the more stringently environmental regulation of air quality. 摘要国内油品市场生产过剩、竞争剧烈,媒裂工场产品产值及产率的弹性务必提高,才能因应未来市场需求的变化。
- With the increasingly more stringent environmental rules and the worldwide greening trend of fuel oils, the refining industry in our country faces great challenges. 日益严格的燃油环保法规和世界性燃油产品绿色化趋势使我国炼油工业面临严峻形势。