- super transportation network 超级交通网络
- Thus forming a very systematic transportation network. 形成了一个非常完整的交通网。
- GZ Ltd has occupied a space of 30 arcs with convenient transportation network. 公司位于美丽的东海之滨---上海市金山区,占地30亩,交通四通八达。
- There are now primarily two schemes for MPLS transport network design. 目前多协议标签交换(MPLS)的传输层网络设计中主要有两种可选方案。
- Metropolitan optical transport network RPR technical requirement etc. 城市光传送网弹性分组环(RPR)技术要求等.
- The transportation network is described as a series of nodes and connecting links. 通常把交通网描绘成一系列的节点和节点之间的联络线。
- Tin Shui Wai already has an excellent transportation network and a well-designed road system. 目前,天水围已拥有相当完善的交通网络及设计妥善的道路系统。
- Promotion of transportation engineering to improve the integrated transport network. 推进交通运输工程建设,提升综合交通网络水平。
- Rood: The main road in the park is 50 kilometers in length and it forms a convenient transportation network combined with the South Ring Road of Langfang and the suburb high way. 道路:园区主干道共长50公里,携以廊坊市南环和城区快速路,形成便捷完善的交通网络。
- The boom in travel during these weeks “totally overwhelmed the transportation network,” Lew says. 流说,“在这些星期的游客增加量远远超过整个交通运输量。”
- Transport networks need to be expanded to remote rural areas. 运输网需要扩展到偏远的农村。
- The basic data model of transportation network is represented by node-arc model. 传统的交通网络数据模型是用结点-弧段模型来表示的。
- The paper proposed a method called CSA-CJ which is adapt to find cut sets of huge highway transportation network. 提出了一种适合大型公路交通网络的割集搜索算法CSA -CJ。
- The transportation network, above, relies on RFID cards to track commuters in busses, subways and cars. 如上图所示的运输网络,依赖RFID卡循迹于公共汽车、地铁和小车上的乘客。
- China's transportation network is groaning under large and growing demand from its booming factories. 中国的交通网负重不堪,日益增加的工厂增加了运量需求。
- Besides the network of road tunnels and highways,railways also form a vital part of Hong Kong's transport network. 除了地铁和公路网络外,铁路也是香港运输网络的重要部分。
- I'll be a super secretary for you. 我将成为你极好的秘书。
- I bought some pomegranates in the super market. 我在超市上买了一些石榴。
- First of all,Beijing has a developed transportation network,supported by 5-ring roads and numerous arterial and connecting roads. 首先,北京拥有发达的交通网络,5个环路和众多公路干线彼此相连。
- Today Xigaze rapid urban construction, highway transportation networks. 今天日喀则城市建设日新月异,公路交通四通八达。