- superficialis xerosis 上皮性干燥
- Foot guard essence: It contains bio-grease, VE, VB and the other active factors. It can repair xerosis cutis, whiten and protect skin. 护足精华素:含生物脂、VE、VB等多元活力因子,能修护皮肤干燥皲裂、美白护肤。
- Common agents for the treatment of senile xerosis are moisturizing ointments or ointments containing steroids and urea. 治疗老年性干燥症的常用制剂有:保湿软膏、激素软膏和尿素软膏。
- Based on these results, Hirudoid ointment is considered to be a useful drug for the treatment of senile xerosis. 基于这些研究,喜疗妥软膏被认为是治疗老年性干燥症的有效药物。
- Results: All the lesions of the six patients with multiple nevus lipomatosus superficialis were confirmed by pathology. 结果:经病理学证实6例患者均为多发型浅表脂肪瘤样痣。
- Methods: The history and clinical data of 6 patients with nevus lipomatosus superficialis were reviewed. 方法:回顾6例患者的病史及临床、病理资料。
- Winter pruritus and pruritus in persons over age 60 is often caused by dryness of the skin (xerosis). 冬季瘙痒症和年龄超过60岁的老年人瘙痒是由干燥引起的(干燥症)。
- Physical examination showed xerosis and pigmentation on his low extremities, and the skin touched hard. 皮肤科检查示双下肢皮肤干燥、僵硬伴明显色素沉着。
- Therefore a urea-containing ointment, established and approved in the treatment of senile xerosis was chosen as a comparator to evaluate the efficacy of Hirudoid. 因此,尿素软膏,作为被认可的用于老年性干燥症的常用制剂,被选为对照药物用于评估喜疗妥的疗效。
- Methods From April 2002, 2 cadaver limbs were used to retrieve flexor pollicis longus tendons, flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis tendons. 方法2002年4月,对2具尸体应用内窥镜寻找拇长屈肌腱,指深、浅屈肌腱,证实了该术式的解剖依据。
- Foot guard essence: It contains bio-grease, VE, VB and the other active factors.It can repair xerosis cutis, whiten and protect skin. 护足精华素:含生物脂、VE、VB等多元活力因子,能修护皮肤干燥皲裂、美白护肤。
- Method: Retrograde grafting of island skin flap with forehead branch of arteria temporalis superficialis in temples region was used. 方法:设计以颞浅动脉为蒂带鬓角部岛状皮瓣,逆行移植,修复眉弓缺损。
- Objective: To describe the clinical and pathological characteristics of 6 patients with nevus lipomatosus superficialis. 目的:介绍不同部位、不同发病年龄的浅表脂肪瘤样痣患者的临床及病理学特点。
- Result: 5 patients with 7 superficialis arch soft tissue defects were repaired.The blood circulation in the skin flap was good. 结果:采用该方法修复眉弓缺损5例7支眉,皮瓣血运良好,伤口正常愈合,眉弓外形满意。
- It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that Ginseng essential oil can relieve xerosis cutis, improve cutaneous circulation and promote metabolism. 《精油全书》中记载人参精油有缓解皮肤干燥,促进皮肤血液循环,增进新陈代谢。
- The structure across AINs include collateral ulnar vessel(8.3%),little muscular or fibrous bundles from flexor digitorum superficialis(FDS) to FPL(10.4%). 横过骨间前神经的结构还有 :尺侧副血管 (48.;3%25 );指浅屈肌发出至拇长屈肌的小肌束或纤维束 (10
- It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that lavender essential oil has functions such as relieving xerosis cutis, balancing mood, promoting sleeping, relieving headache and killing insects. 《精油全书》中记载薰衣草精油有缓解皮肤干燥,能够平衡情绪,有助睡眠,可减轻头痛,有驱虫作用。
- It can repair xerosis cutis. 它能够修护皮肤上的干燥皴裂。
- Osmophilic microorganisms grow best in or on media with a high osmotic concentration, whereas xerophilic [ Greek xerosis, dry, and philein, to love] microorganisms prefer a low aw environment and may not grow under high aw, conditions. 耐高渗微生物在高渗介质中生长得最好,而嗜干微生物更喜欢在低水活度环境中生长而水活度高时不能生长。
- Keywords Palmar skin;Vena superficialis;Topography; 手掌部皮肤;浅静脉;局部解剖;