- The medical name for the part of the brain associated with teenage sulking is "superior temporal sulcus". 一些皇家邮件使用的邮票,上面当然有女王头像,是在荷兰印的。
- Thej medical name for the part of the brain associated with teenage sulking is "superior temporal sulcus". 一些皇家邮件使用的邮票,上面当然有女王头像,是在荷兰印的。
- One of these, the superior temporal sulcus (STS), is known to contain neurons that respond to observations of moving body parts. 在这项实验中,观看别人执行动作,大脑皮质中有三块重要的区域活化了起来:其中之一是颞上沟,已知其中的神经元在看到身体部位移动时会有所反应;
- Studies in humans and other primates have been focused on several structures, such as the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, the superior temporal sulcus, the anterior cingulate cortex and some . 来自于人类和其它灵长类动物的研究已经发现有一些脑结构(如杏仁核、前额叶、颞上沟、扣带前回等)在社会认知中起着特殊重要的作用。
- 40. The medical name for the part of the brain associated with teenage sulking is "superior temporal sulcus". 一些皇家邮件使用的邮票,上面当然有女王头像,是在荷兰印的。
- superior temporal sulcus 颞上沟
- Conclusion Microvascular anastomoses of only one superior temporal artery is enough to supply whole avulsed scalp. 结论吻合单侧颞浅动脉即可营养整个撕脱头皮。
- In fact, the whole process seems to be centred on one small part of the brain: the anterior superior temporal gyrus. 事实上,整个过程似乎都集中在了大脑的某一小部分区域上:"前颞上回"(anteriorsuperiortemporalgyrus)。
- Conclusion The microsurgerical operation by superior temporal sulucs on hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage in basal nuclei zone is more ef... 结论:经颞上沟入路显微外科手术是治疗基底节区高血压性脑出血的有效方法。
- In males the activating areas were shown bilateral inferior frontal gyrus (IFG),left middle frontal gyrus,left superior temporal gyrus (STG) and bilateral cerebellum. 男性激活的脑区包括双侧额下回、左额中回、左颞上回及双侧小脑。
- The activation of insula,superior temporal gyrus,middle temporal gyrus,and inferior parietal lobule were obviously lower in the schizophrenic participants than in the controls. 精神分裂症组脑岛、颞上回、颞中回、顶下小叶等处激活明显低下。
- In the control group, signal increases areas were demonstrated in superior temporal gyri, precentral gyri, cingulate gyri, thalamus, insula and cerebellum. 对照组激活区包括颞上回、中央前回、扣带回、丘脑、岛叶、小脑等。
- A case of subconjunctival orbital fat prolapse is reported.The 75-year-old male presented with a protruding mass in the superior temporal quardant of his left eye. 摘要75岁男性病患,发现左眼结膜下靠外眦处有一无痛性柔软肿块,因觉左眼不适且有异物感而求诊。
- temporal sulcus of temporal bone 颞骨颞沟
- Results:In males the activating areas were shown bilateral inferior frontal gyrus (IFG),left middle frontal gyrus,left superior temporal gyrus (STG) and bilateral cerebellum. 结果:男性激活的脑区包括双侧额下回、左额中回、左颞上回及双侧小脑。
- Objective To investigate the application of microsurgerical operation on hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage in basal nuclei zone by superior temporal sulucs. 目的:探讨经颞上沟入路显微神经外科手术在基底节区高血压性脑出血病中的应用。
- The causative structures of Chinese light verbs also have neuromechanism which involves the left middle frontal gyrus, sometimes left superior temporal gyrus. 汉语轻动词构成的致使性结构也有神经基础,汉语轻动词语义加工主要需要左额叶中回,有时还需要左颞叶上回的参与。
- superior temporal venule of retina 视网膜颞侧上静脉, 视网膜颞侧上小静脉
- temporal sulcus, superior 颞上沟
- A man with will may rise superior to temptation. 意志坚强的人可以不为诱惑所动。