- The supernova explosion disrupts the binary. 超新星爆发会瓦解双星系统。
- The Crab Nebula is the remnant of the supernova explosion in 1054. 蟹状星云是1054年超新星爆发后的遗骸。
- What will happen to the remains of the supernova explosion? 恒星在超新星爆发后又如何呢?
- Cas A is the 300-year-old remnant created by the supernova explosion of a massive star. 仙后座A是有着300年历史的遗迹,成因是大质量恒星的超新星爆发。
- If a star that massive or larger undergoes a supernova explosion, it may leave behind a fairly massive burned out stellar remnant. 如果一颗有如此大的质量、甚至更大质量的恒星发生超新星爆炸,它会在燃烧后留下质量相当大的一些恒星残留物。
- There is a good chance that this outward diffusion of neutrinos and antineutrinos plays a crucial role in the supernova explosion. 中微子和反中微子的这种向外的散射很可能在超新星爆发中起着关键的作用。
- Perhaps the most famous pulsar lies within the Crab Nebula, the remnant of a supernova explosion that was observed in 1054. 最有名的波霎,或许要算是蟹状星云里头的那颗了,这片星云是1054年观测到的超新星爆炸的残骸。
- Light from the supernova explosion that created the Vela remnant reached Earth about 11,000 years ago. 产生该遗迹的超新星光芒在11000年前到达了地球。
- This is the best ever determination of the power of a supernova explosion long after it was visible from Earth. 在测定强大超新星爆炸的历史中,这是最好的一次。
- If a star that massive or larger undergoes a supernova explosion,it may leave behind a fairly massive burned out stellar remnant. 如果一颗有如此大的质量、甚至更大质量的恒星发生超新星爆炸,它会在燃烧后留下质量相当大的一些恒星残留物。
- Perhaps the most famous pulsar lies within the Crab Nebula, the remnant of a supernova explosion that was observed in1054. 最有名的波霎,或许要算是蟹状星云里头的那颗了,这片星云是1054年观测到的超新星爆炸的残骸。
- Theory predicts that a star with a mass between eight and 25 times that of our sun ends its life in a supernova explosion. 当一颗恒星的质量介于太阳质量的8~25倍时,理论预测它将会以超新星爆发的形式结束生命。
- The two teams are trying to get a much more complete understanding of how this famous supernova explosion and its remnant work. 这两个团队都在着力弄清楚这个超新星的爆炸以及伴随碎片的后期活动。
- Supernova explosions are immensely complicated events. 超新星爆发是非常复杂的事件。
- Planets going round pulsars are unlikely to have life, because any living beings would have been killed, in the supernova explosion that led to the star becoming a pulsar. 围绕脉冲星运行的行星上不大可能有生命存在,因为在导致星体变成脉冲星的超新星爆炸环境中,任何生命都会被弄死。
- Supernova explosion is extremely violent. The brightness of the star will increase by up to 15 magnitudes. This will be a spectacular astronomical event. 超新星爆发十分激烈,恒星的亮度可以暴增15等,是宇宙中最璀璨的天文现象。
- Data from the Chandra observation show that the central ten-million-degree Celsius cloud is the remains of a supernova explosion that destroyed a white dwarf star. 来自钱德拉的观测数据表明,中心温度达上千万摄氏度的云湍团是超新星爆发的残余,爆发摧毁了一颗白矮星。
- The one-million-second image shows a bright outer ring (green) ten light years in diameter that marks the location of a shock wave generated by the supernova explosion. 曝光100万秒的图象揭示出了直径10光年的明亮外环(绿色),这里标志着超新星爆发产生的激波起源。
- Regions of the universe with large positive vacuum energy experience expansions so virulent that a supernova explosion would seem peaceful in comparison. 具有大的正真空能量的宇宙区域,所经历的激烈膨胀,使超新星爆发在相较之下显得相当温和。
- This supernova explosion was so inherently bright that it could be seen nearby 5 billion light years away (a redshift of 0.28) even with a small telescope. 甚至用一架小型望远镜也能看到这颗距离我们大约50亿光年远(0.;28宇宙红移)的超新星爆炸后发出的光。