- Methods:The female partners were routinely superovulated and underwent oocyte retrieval under vaginal ultrasound. 方法:女性行常规超促排卵和经阴道超声引导下取卵。
- Methods\ Each superovulated female of 615 mice was placed individually with a stud male and was checked the next morning. 方法采用经超量排卵的615雌鼠与正常雄鼠交配,取受精卵,再经手术分别将单胚卵、双胚卵移入发情的假孕雌鼠的输卵管中,妊娠产仔。
- Angus beef cattles and Hereford beef cattles imported from Canada were superovulated by using CIDR and injecting FSH-PG in May to June and Augest to September 2004, which were grouped in random. 采用放置CIDR和FSH-PG注射法,于2004年5至6月和8至9月间对进口的安格斯和海福特肉牛进行超数排卵研究,并对安格斯和海福特肉牛随机分组。
- Eighty five Boer goat donors were superovulated in the 7 the peasant households ,the percentage of donor synchronous estrus was 97.65%(83/85),and efficient donor ratio was 83.53%(71/85). 超然7个农户85只波尔山羊供体;供体同期发情率为97.;65%25(83/85);有效供体比例占83
- The results showed that it can achieve a better result that the mean number of viable embryo was 11.50~18.91 when donors were superovulated from the day of 12th to 17th in estrus period. 结果表明;在供体发情周期12~17天中任一天开始超排均能取得较好的超排效果;可用胚平均数为11.;50~18
- Methods: Collected human hydrosalpin fluid,female mice were superovulated,mouse embryos of 2-cell and blastocysts were cultured with different concentration of hydrosalpinx fluid respectively. 方法收集人输卵管积水,小鼠促超排卵,收集2细胞胚胎和囊胚,随机分配到含有不同浓度输卵管积水的培养液中,观察胚胎的发育,计算成囊率,囊胚孵出率。
- Study on Superovulated Technology of Boer Goats 波尔山羊超数排卵技术研究
- donors (Japanese black cattle) were superovulated with four treatments. The results showed that two treatments(FSH 20AU + PGFZa 25mg and FSH 20AU + PGF2a Estrumate 0 .7mg) got more transferable embryos. 采用四种超数排卵处理方法对19头日本肉用黑毛和牛进行了超数排卵试验,结果以FSH 20AU+PGF2A25mg和FSH 20AU+PGF2a类似物制剂(Estrumate)0.;75mg两个处理所获的可用胚数量较多。
- 158 Poll Dorsets(group 1),165 Suffolks(group 2) and 39 Boer Goats(group 3)were superovulated as donor animals with the following treatments:CIDR+FSH+PG in winter(treatment 1) and in spring(treatment 2),respectively. 在冬季和春季用CIDR+FSH+PG对158只无角道赛特羊、165只萨福克羊和39只波尔山羊分别实施超排处理。