- As early as more than one hundred years ago, Marx and Engels discussed the importance and necessity of supervision of public opinion. 摘要一百多年前马克思、恩格斯就曾经论述过舆论监督的重要性和必要性。
- Disaster News;Objectivism;Major Role;Supervision of Public Opinion;Unexpected Event;Humanistic Love;Crisis Management by P.R. 01灾难新闻;客观主义;主体地位;舆论监督;突发事件;人文关怀;危机公关
- In order to bring into full play the play the role of supervision of public opinion in fighting corruption, it is urgent to quicken the political reform and the relevant law making. 为了发挥舆论监督在反腐败中的应有作用,亟须加快政治体制改革和相关立法。
- the supervision of public opinions 舆论监督
- the supervision of public opinion 舆论监督
- The lash of public opinion compelled him to resign. 舆论的严厉指责迫使他辞职。
- He maintained his stand in the teeth of public opinion. 他不顾公众舆论的反对而坚持自己的立场。
- raincheck 预付,预订;延期
- Newspapers are often barometers of public opinion. 报纸常是反应舆论动态的晴雨表。
- The tide of public opinion seems to be turning against the government. 公众舆论的趋向看来是转向不利于政府的方向。
- The press is a mirror of public opinion. 报刊是反映公共舆论的一面镜子。
- The event changed the trend of public opinion. 这件事改变了舆论的趋向。
- She will be judged at the bar of public opinion. 她将受到舆论的制裁。
- The tide of public opinion has set in his favour. 舆论的倾向是支持他的.
- The government is fighting a rearguard action against the mass of public opinion. 政府冒天下之大不韪负隅顽抗。
- Discuss the Strange Land and Delayed Time Phenomena of Supervision of Public Opinion 论舆论监督的异地和延时现象
- The mass of public opinion is in favor of no-fault auto insurance. 舆论的主要方面是赞同无过失汽车保险。
- The mass of public opinion is in favor of the new foreign policy. 大部分的舆论赞成新的外交政策。
- Dishonest conduct will be condemned at the bar of public opinion. 虚伪的行为将受到舆论法庭的谴责。
- Don't neglect the tremendous might of public opinion. 不要忽视舆论的威力。