- In turn, with a belt, it moves the supply side capstan. 在龙的独特情形中,两个绞盘被直接的跑。
- A thorough analysis would consider both the demand and supply side approaches. 彻底的分析应当同时考虑需求和供给两方面的方法。
- Supply side politics Political point of view favoring supply side economics. 供应学派政治支持供应学派经济学的政治观点。
- The attention of political leaders and the allocation of budgetary resources have both focused almost entirely on the supply side. 政治领导人的注意力和财政预算的分配几乎都集中到了供应方面。
- There is a temptation to be more concrete in linking trade flows to the supply side alone. 有一种更具体的企图是想把贸易流量只同供给方面联系起来。
- On the supply side, most of these workers come from nations where the myth of nationality is pervasive and destructive. 在供应方面,许多这些外来工人都来自于一些民族主义猖撅和盛行的地方。
- On the supply side, individuals are assumed to operate on the principle of utility maximization. 从供给方面来看,假定个人行为是遵循效用最大化原则。
- On the supply side, underachieving banks, be they large or small, should be rooted out through merger or liquidation. 从提供方角度,一些未达标银行,无论大,小,应该重组或清算倒闭。
- For now, policymakers are too worried about fragile demand to risk tackling the supply side of the economy. 现在,决策者对脆弱的需求过于担忧,可能会冒险对供应方面进行干预。
- On the supply side investment has slumped and will take time to right its course. 从供给方面看,投资大幅削减并需要时间调整。
- On the supply side, the outlook is much less promising, as Nigeria's troubles show. 在供应边上,当尼日利亚麻烦显示时,观点非常不那么有希望。
- The physical meaning is discussed from the circuit and electromagnetic fields if the equivalent reactance of power supply side of three-winding transformer is negative value. 从电路和电磁场两个方面探讨了三绕组变压器电源侧等值电抗为负值的物理意义。
- On the supply side, urbanisation helps increase the production capacity of the economy through facilitating a more efficient allocation of labour. 供应方面,城市化可更有效分配劳动力,因而有助提升经济的生产能力。
- From the supply side, corporations may be balancing among disclosure cost, legitimizing effect, competitive strategy and other related factor. 在供给角度,企业管理层可能在披露成本及行为合法化、竞争策略影响等因素之间进行权衡。
- More limited attention has been paid to the supply side and to criminal justice system indicators, though existing data have been collected since the Centre began. 对于供给方指标和刑事司法系统指标的关注更是有限,尽管现有的数据是中心开张以来收集的。
- There is also the possibility of anti-competitive market structures either on the supply side or the demand side that encourages anti-competitive or manipulative behaviour. 此外,供应方或需求方所属的市场亦可能存在结构问题,造成不公平竞争或垄断。
- However, we should not fail to see that supply and demand on the international energy market are balanced on the whole, and that there is no crisis on the supply side. 但是,我们也要看到,国际能源市场供求总体上还是平衡的,不存在供应危机。
- After considering the problems of both tourist supply side and tourist need side, DEMATEL method was conducted and three plans were presented to solve those problems. 针对旅游供需两方面存在的问题;采用DEMATEL调查法整理出黄山市旅游发展中存在的潜在问题;并提出了3种解决方案.
- The administration was also wedded to the fundamental tenets of Reaganomics: cut taxes and free the supply side and everything else will take care of itself. 其政府也遵循里根经济政策的基本原则:减税,放任供应环节,放任自流。
- To communicate with project managers &estimators about the BOQ ,drawings &specification etc, to ensure all information can be passed to supply side efficiently. 和当地项目经理,预算人员沟通订单要求,包括工程量清单,图纸和技术指标文件,保证国内能得到准确,有效的信息。