- Least Squares Support Vector Maehine 最小二乘支持向量机
- Least Square Wavelet Support Vector Maehine(LS-WSVM ) 最小二乘小波支持向量机
- Least Square Wavelet Support Vector Maehine(LS-WSVM) 最小二乘小波支持向量机
- Parallel Support Vector Maehines(PSVMs) 并行支持向量机
- support vector maehine 支持向量机
- Support vector maehine(SVM) 支持向量机
- An intelligent controller based on fuzzy support vector networks is designed. 摘要将模糊控制与支持向量网络相结合,设计了一种模糊支持向量网络控制器。
- The hyperplane revises the error of the standard Support Vector Machines. 该分类面校正了标准的支持向量机的分类误差。
- Wavelet and support vector machine are used to classify the audio clips. 使用小波变换和支持向量机的方法对音频进行分类。
- support vector maehines 支持向量机
- The uploaded Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classifier can classify text-type data well. 详细说明:支持向量机分类器(可分类文本,编的非常不错)
- Girosi, F. "An Equivalence between Sparse Approximation and Support Vector Machines." Neural Computation 10 (1998): 1455-1480. 文章中讨论支持向量机与基础追踪去杂讯法之间的关系。
- Karhunen-Loeve transform is employed to get the representation basis of face image set, then use support vector machines to recognize. 摘要利用K-L变换首先对人脸图像进行特征参数提取,再利用支持向量机进行识别。
- A new geometric fast incremental learning algorithm for support vector machines (SVM) was proposed. 摘要提出了一种新的基于壳向量的增量式支持向量机快速学习算法。
- Support Vector Machine (SVM) , which based on Statistic Learning Theory, has the adaptive generation ability. 建立在统计学习理论基础之上的支持向量机具有和样本数相适应的最优泛化能力。
- For this reason, several important properties of kernel function are discussed on the basis of support vector machine. 为此,在研究支持向量机的基础上,给出了核函数的若干重要性质。
- The support vector machine forecasting model is proposed to improve the accuracy. 为提高精度,提出了支持向量机非线性的组合预测模型。
- Handwritten number recognition based on support vector machine adopts the US post service database. 支持向量机的手写体数字识别中,采用美国邮政服务数据库。
- NPA is currently one of the best training algorithm for support vector machine classifier. 支撑向量机是90年代中期发展起来的机器学习技术,NPA算法是目前最优秀的学习算法之一。
- Using a bootstrap procedure, we design a mechanism to extract significant factors from the support vector approach. 本研究中我们也利用拔靴法设计出一个由支持矢量方法萃取显着因子的步骤。