- To develop relationship with NDRC for governmental support or supportive policies. 开发发改委关系以获取政府支持或激励政策.
- In doing so, a formal definition of the service can be extended to support policies based upon endpoint definitions. 完成这些之后,服务的标准定义可以被扩展为多个端点之上策略支持。
- The environment in the Development Zone and supportive policies are quite attractive to foreign companies. When going back, he would refer the information he got to Finnish companies. 开发区的环境和政策对外国企业还是有吸引力的,回国后一定将获取的信息向芬兰企业做如实介绍。
- To strategically foster the growth of the cable industry, the government and related departments are advised to invest more in cable material R&D and provide more supportive policies. 为此建议政府、有关部门应从电缆工业"做大做强"的战略发展高度,加大对电缆材料研发的投资和政策扶持的力度;
- Therefore, an effective measure to evaluate the effects of TDM policies is urgently needed to support policy decision. 因此,在政策决策中迫切需要有一个有效的TDM政策实施效果的评价方法。
- All of the political advisors at the Brooking forum say their candidates support policies to create alternate energy technologies, promote fuel efficiency and reduce dependence on foreign oil. 在布鲁金斯论坛的所有政治顾问都称其候选人支持创造代替能源技术,提高能源效率和减少对国外石油依赖的政策。
- All of the political advisers at the Brookings forum say their candidates support policies to create alternate energy technologies, promote fuel efficiency and reduce dependence on foreign oil. 所有参加布鲁金斯研讨会的政治顾问都宣称他们的候选人支持开发替代能源技术,提高燃料效率和减少对国外石油依赖的政策。
- When people are poorer they may be less willing to support policies that will cost them money, but feel uncomfortable about jeopardising the planet's future to fatten their bank balance. 当人们较穷的时候,他们可能不太愿意支持要花他们钱的政策,而且,由于对危及地球未来的情形感到担心,反而使其多向银行存款。
- We formulated and implemented supporting policies to boost grain, oilseed and egg production and hog and dairy farming. 制定并组织实施扶持政策,促进粮食、生猪、油料、奶业、蛋鸡等生产发展;
- They all support socialist policies. 他们都拥护社会主义的政策。
- This is the reason why I take the evaluation methods of oil &gas reserves and corresponding supporting policies as my PhD research project. 本文研究油气储量资产价值评估方法及有关政策支持的目的和意义也正在于此。
- Studies have been carried out to explore feasible fiscal and tax supporting policies for industrial restructuring and rejuvenating. 研究实行产业调整与振兴规划财税扶持政策。
- In recent years, China has increased the supporting policies to the graveness electric power equipment reserch, speeding up its manufacturing tempo. 近年来我国加大对重大电力设备研发的政策扶持,使得电力设备制造业发展速度加快。
- Each support policy is specifically the Taiwan mechanization of agriculture obtains the success with the necessary measure the important guarantee. 各项扶持政策与具体配套措施是台湾农业机械化取得成功的重要保证。
- The author dedicated her new book to her supportive family. 这位作家将她的新书献给支持她的家庭。
- The government's propaganda officials routinely order the media to run articles and reports that support policy initiatives. 中国政府宣传官员通常会命令媒体刊登支持政策举措的文章和报道。
- Government agencies shall actively formulate supporting policies and streamline work procedures so as to create favorable conditions for services companies to grow. 各部门要积极研究制定扶持政策,简化工作程序,为服务贸易企业的发展创造良好条件。
- In the process of framing and executing the supporting policies, government behaviour has shown its important function by coalescing into market and agricultural associations.U. 在制定和执行农产品出口支持政策过程中,政府行为与市场有机结合,农业行业协会等利益集团发挥了重要作用。
- For the details about Microsoft product support time frames, see the Microsoft Support Life-Cycle Support Policy FAQ page on the Microsoft Help and Support site. 有关Microsoft产品支持时间范围的详细信息,请参见Microsoft帮助和支持站点中的Microsoft支持生命周期支持策略常见问题页面。
- The scribe worked hard to support his family. 那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。