- Supreme authority resides in the President/State. 最高权力属於总统[国家]。
- Having supreme authority;sovereign. 最高权力的,至尊的有至高无上的权力的;最高的
- The supreme authority resides in the President. 最高权力掌握在总统的手中。
- Supreme authority rests with the people. 最高权力属于人民。
- The supreme authority resides in the President . 最高权力掌握在总统的手中。
- Having supreme authority; sovereign. 最高权力的,至尊的有至高无上的权力的;最高的
- Constitutions should have the stability and the supreme authority. 宪法应当具有稳定性和最高权威性。
- A political unit having an extensive territory or comprising a number of territories or nations and ruled by a single supreme authority. 帝国一个政治单位,具有广大的领土或由许多领土或民族所组成并且由单一的最高权力所统治
- He and I continued in close agreement, and he gave his supreme authority to the views which I expressed. 他和我继续保持完全一致,他对于我所发表的意见,以他个人的最高权威加以支持。
- It was the instrument of government as well as the supreme authority over the gens, the tribe, and the confederacy. 它是处理政治事物的机构,又是统驭氏族,部落和部落联盟的最高权力机构。
- FAI is the sole international body governing air sports and the supreme authority in these matters for its Members. FAI是规范航空运动的唯一国际组织,亦是其会员于该等运动之最高权责机构。
- It is the residence of the president of the Franch Republic and the symbol of the supreme authority in France. 它是法兰西共和国的总统府,也是法国最高权力的象征。
- The supreme authority in the credit union is vested in the general meeting of members at which every member has a right to attend. 本社之最高权力为社员大会,凡属社员均有权出席。
- The entire architectural layout was designed to Bring out the supreme authority of the emperor and the hierarchy of the feudal society. 整个建筑布局设计显示出封建社会的皇帝至高无上和等级森严的气氛。
- In fact, many have proclaimed "the end" of state sovereignty and its supreme authority in the face of growing challenges from home and abroad. 实际上,在国内外日益增长的挑战的情况下,许多人已宣布了国家主权和国家最高权威的“终结”。
- Rationalism:The principle or habit of accepting reason as the supreme authority in matters of opinion, belief, or conduct. 直译:理性主义:在观点、信仰和行动中接受以理性作为至高无上的权威的原则或者习惯。
- Today, all the God in the New world can not keek our action. we request the supreme existence eliminate the limits on our great son with the last supreme authority! 今天,所有新世界的圣灵们将无法窥视我们的举动。我们将用最后的最高权限向最高的存在请求,请求解除束缚在我们儿子身上的枷锁!)
- Today, all the God in the Ne orld can not keek our action. e request the supreme existence eliminate the limits on our great son ith the last supreme authority! 我们将用最后的最高权限向最高的存在请求,请求解除束缚在我们儿子身上的枷锁!)“Supreme authority.;Open!”(最高权限,启动!)“Final step
- The Group of Seven summit meeting held in Paris adopted a resolution imposing sanctions on China, which meant they thought they had supreme authority and could impose sanctions on any country and people not obedient to their wishes. 巴黎七国首脑会议要制裁中国,这意味着他们自认为有至高无上的权力,可以对不听他们话的国家和人民进行制裁。
- The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case. 最高法院对这一案件作出了公正的审判。