- The assumption about the surface current density distribution on the tape is avoided by expanding it in a series of Chebyshev polynomials. 在介质的高阶径向分层时为了避免高阶矩阵的求逆运算,采用转移矩阵和连接矩阵处理边界的场匹配。
- surface current density [化] 面电流密度
- The drift current component of sea surface current is not obvious due to the dominating density current and the topographic effects. 但由于密度流和地形效应等的作用 ,表层流的漂流性质不明显
- But current density and heat flux on deformed weld pool surface are not similar Gauss distribution. 而变形熔池表面的电流密度和热流密度分布则不再符合近似的高斯分布。
- It can greately improve the transconductance and current density. 其中pHEMT(pseudo-HEMT,即赝配HEMT)表现尤为特殊,它能够非常显著地改善HEMT的跨导和电流密度,因此具有广阔的应用前景。
- During the micro-electroforming process,the current density distribution in cathode surface has directly impact on the electro-deposition quality. 微细电铸过程中,阴极表面的电流密度分布直接影响沉积层的质量。
- The calculated results of current density and heat flux on flat weld pool surface using model established in this paper are agreed with experiment. 用本模型计算出的平坦熔池表面电流密度和热流密度的分布与试验结果显示了很好的一致性。
- Major cyclonic surface current systems in the oceans. 旋迴在海洋中的主要旋转表面水流系统。
- The overvoltage varies inversely with the current density to some extent. 超电压在某种程度上随电流密度成反比地变化。
- Compared with cobalt electrode , Cobalt tungsten electrode has rough surface, high exchange current density and smaller resistance ofhydrogen evolution reaction. 与钻电极相比,钻钨复合电极表面粗糙,具有较大的交换电流密度和较小的析氢反应电阻。
- The better performance of GF coatings is attributed to its lower corrosion current density and more resistant oxidation film formed on the coating surface. GF镀层由于腐蚀电流大幅度降低,飞溅区充分的充气条件促进了镀层的钝化,因此表现出较为优异的耐海水腐蚀性能;
- The results show that the tribological behavior of the chromium bronze/brass and surface temperature of the brass greatly depends on the current density. 结果表明:电流密度对铬青铜/黄铜配副的摩擦学特性和表面温度有显著影响;
- Much attention is paid on the economic current density in the conductor. 很重视对导体中的经济电流密度的评估。
- Tunneling process is important in the low to moderate current density range. 在中等及中等以下电流密度下,隧道穿透过程是重要的。
- The current density reduces along with the temperature of hollow cathode rise. 电流密度随空心阴极温度的升高而下降。
- Some general rules of the sea temperature, surface currents, sea waves, colour, transparency, density and salinity of the water in the Bay of Dairen are given. 从而提供了大连湾在初冬和初夏的海水温度、表层流、海浪、海水的颜色与透明度、海水的比重与盐度等一些初步规律.
- The developed model was used to simulate a serpentine flow field PEMFC, and the dynamic characteristic parameters such as membrane surface temperature at cathode side and current density during the start-up process of fuel cell were computed. 应用模型对一蛇形流道结构的质子交换膜燃料电池单体进行了数值计算,得到了电池启动过程中电池阴极侧膜表面温度和电流密度等特征参数的动态过程变化曲线。
- Aiming at the technology demand of advanced copper interconnection,the effect of pulse current density on Cu layer properties such as resistance,crystal size and surface roughness were investigated. 针对先进纳米铜互连技术的要求,研究了脉冲电流密度对铜互连线电阻率、晶粒尺寸和表面粗糙度等性能的影响。
- The conversion increased with the increase in current density and with the decrease of the thickness ofsulfur bed. 实验发现由疏转化为硫酸的量随电流密度的增加而增加,随硫床层厚度的降低而增加。
- Tin whisker growth at high current density was more than the one at lower current density. 实验结果显示,电流密度高的试片锡须生长数量较多于电流密度低的试片。