- surface net radiation flux 地表净辐射
- The effect of cloud on net radiation flux is not the same at the top and bottom of the atmosphere. 云对净辐射通量的影响在大气顶和大气底是不一样的。
- Study on the uncertainties of methods and precision of net radiation flux measurement. 净辐射通量观测方法及观测精度的不确定性研究。
- The distribution of the net radiation flux at the top of the atmosphere inferred from NIMBUS 3. 根据“雨云”(卫星)3号资料推算出的大气层顶净辐射通量分布。
- Net radiation flux at top of atmosphere 大气顶部净辐射通量
- GMS Data-Estimated Surface Net Radiation over East China in Summer 由GMS资料估算我国东部地区夏季地表净辐射
- Net radiation flux at surface 地面净辐射通量
- surface net radiation 地表净辐射
- net radiation flux 净辐射通量
- Net long-wave radiation flux at surface 地面净长波辐射通量
- Net short-wave radiation flux at surface 地面净短波辐射通量
- The previous methods to parameterize instantaneous clear-sky surface total radiation and net radiation is discussed. 摘要讨论了晴天地表太阳总辐射和地表太阳净辐射瞬时值的参数化方法。
- The parameterization of clear-sky surface solar net radiation under the conditions of various albedos is obtained through the error correction due to albedo variation. 然后将地表反射率的影响作为误差项进行订正,从而得到各种地表反射率条件下的晴天地表太阳净辐射的计算方法。
- Improvement of models for the estimation of downward atmospheric long-wave radiation for retrieving net radiation fluxes based on remote sensing 定量遥感地表净辐射通量所需大气下行长波辐射估算模型改进
- Part of the enclosure is removed so that some net radiation is gained or lost. 去掉部分封闭条件,系统的辐射将会有所增加或减少。
- The diurnal cycle is controlled by the sea surface net heat flux.The oceanic mixing layer showed a clear diurnal cycle before on set. 海洋混合层的发展明显受到海气动量通量的影响,其日夜变化则受控于海面净热通量的变化。
- The result showed that the arc light radiation flux signal can be used to on-line sense the droplet transfer in pulsed MIG welding for aluminium alloy. 研究结果表明,弧光辐射通量信号能够成功地用于铝合金脉冲MIG焊熔滴过渡的在线传感。
- Downward long-wave radiation flux at surface 地面向下长波辐射通量
- Downward short-wave radiation flux at surface 地面向下短波辐射通量
- Upward long-wave radiation flux at surface 地面向上长波辐射通量