- surface sediments and soils 沉积物与土壤
- In addition to the petroleum geologic conditions,the main causes are also related with the properties of near surface sediments and the geographical and geomorphologic landscape conditions. 其主要原因除与油气地质条件相关外,还取决于近地表沉积物的性质,以及地理、地貌的景观条件。
- The fate and transport fluxes of chlordecone in air,water,sediment and soil were estimated using the Equilibrium Criterion(EQC)model. 应用EQC模型模拟十氯酮在多介质环境中的归宿和迁移通量。
- Contents and sorption coefficients of sediment and soil samples from Yichun River catchment were measured using a Multiple Solid-Water Ratio Procedure. 利用改变水土比的动态方法测定了采自伊春河流域土壤和沉积样品中水溶性有机物的含量与吸着系数;
- Based on the finding that sediments and soils varied sharply in chemiluminescence feature from type to type, a concept of "soil fingerprint" or coding of soil properties is recommended. 根据实验中得到的不同沉积物和土壤的氧化发光特征有很大区别的现象,提出了建立土壤特征编码"土壤指纹"的概念。
- Spectral interferences in the simultaneous determination of multielements in sediments and soil by ICP AES were investigated and the multicomponent spectral fitting (MSF) method was used for the correction. 本文研究了感耦等离子体原子发射光谱 (ICP AES)法直接测定土壤、沉积物中常、微量元素的光谱干扰 ,以及用多元光谱拟合 (MSF)校正的方法。
- Chen B.Xuan X.Zhu L Distributions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface waters,sediments and soils of Hanffzhou City,China 2004 陈静.;王学军
- The slow movement of rock debris and soil down a weathered slope. 蠕动岩石碎片和土壤沿着受风雨侵蚀的滑坡向下缓慢移动
- Distribution of Heavy Metals in Seawater, Surface Sediments and Aquatic Organisms from Baima Bay 福安白马港海水、沉积物及水产生物体内重金属含量分布
- Distribution of the Heavy Metals in Sea Water, Surface Sediments and Aquatic Organisms from Dagang Bay, Fujian Province 泉州大港湾海水、沉积物及水产生物体内重金属的含量分布
- Persistent Organochlorine Pollutants in Surface Sediments and Suspended Particulate Matter of Zhujiang River Estuary 珠江口表层沉积物和悬浮颗粒物中的持久性有机氯污染物
- Research on the Correlations and Contents of Metal in Pore Water of Surface Sediments and Cover Water in Xuanwu Lake 玄武湖表层沉积物间隙水与上覆水中微量金属的含量及相关性研究
- Compare earth, ground, floor and soil. 将earth、 ground、 floor、 soil这几个词作一比较.
- Land and soil not seen as an ecological element. 土地和土壤不作为一个生态因子对待。
- A side water and soil raises a side people. 一方水土养育一方人。
- Distribution Characteristics of Nitrogen in the Southern Yellow Sea Surface Sediments and Nitrogen Functions in Biogeochemical Cycling 南黄海表层沉积物中氮的分布特征及其在生物地球化学循环中的功能
- Results Not to abstract plague from ash and soil. 结果尸骨及土壤中没有分离到鼠疫菌。
- Phosphate Adsorption Characteristics of Tidal Flat Surface Sediments and Its Environmental Effect from the Yangtze Estuary 长江河口潮滩表层沉积物对磷酸盐的吸附特征
- Effects of land utilization of sewage sludge on crops and soils. 污泥土地利用对农作物及土壤的影响研究。
- The inducements of resuspention of sea surface sediment and their effects on recycle of biogenic elements 海洋表层沉积物再悬浮的诱因及其对生源要素循环的影响