- The ratio of isoparametric discharge pollution loading was applied to assess the environmental impact of ammonia nitrogen on the surface water bodies. 应用污染物等标排放负荷比进行农业非点源氨氮污染环境影响评价。
- In the future, the spatial characteristics of urbanization of Changchun City will be influenced by the unbalanced distribution of surface water bodies. 长春市水体空间格局分布很不平衡,这种水体分布空间不平衡将对未来城市发展的空间布局产生重要影响。
- The research of recycling and reuse of filter backwash water has been done by field experiments in water plant of raw water taken from surface water bodies such as Xiang River. 以湘江原水为研究对象,对滤池反冲洗废水回用进行了小试及生产性试验研究。
- Article 2 This Law applies to prevention and control of pollution of rivers,lakes,canals,irrigation channels,reservoirs and other surface water bodies and of ground water bodies within the territory of the People's Republic of China. 第二条 本法适用于中华人民共和国领域内的江河、湖泊、运河、渠道、水库等地表水体以及地下水体的污染防治。
- Temperature Rise in Surface Water Bodies 循环水温升
- Effect research for leakage of surface water body in the Yuecheng Reservoir area due to coal mining 煤层开采对岳城水库库区渗漏的影响研究
- It is forbidden to dump ship refuse into any water body. 禁止向水体倾倒船舶垃圾。
- Surface water made driving conditions hazardous. 路面积水对行车安全构成隐患。
- There is scarcely any surface water in the desert. 译文:沙漠地区地表几乎没有水。
- surface water body 地表水体
- His barbed and his dissemination of the minimum water body. 他的刺又使得他最低限度地散发体内的水分。
- The water surface microlayer of a water body is an interface of the air and water. 水体表面微层是大气和水体间的界面。
- The shortage of water resource exaggerates the pollution of water body. 水资源短缺与水体污染并存。
- Seepage from land fills can pollute ground water or surface water. 填土的渗漏可能污染地下水和地面水。
- The surface water made the road treacherous for drivers. 路面的积水对驾车者构成危险。
- Warm air and surface water are melting the summer polar ice cap. 夏季极地冰帽正因为温暖的空气与表面水而融化。
- We studied the heavy metal pollution of surface water, Xuzhou. 文章对徐州市地表水体底泥重金属的污染特征进行了研究。
- The effect of turbulence in water body on organic compound biodegradation. 紊动对水体中有机物降解影响的实验。
- Microcystin(MCYSTs,MCs)is a common algal toxin in eutrophic fresh water body. 微囊藻毒素为富营养化淡水中最常见的藻类毒素。
- Phosphorus fractions could enter water body from surface runoff and leachate due to excessive irrigation of centralized farm wastewater. 养殖场污水田间处理会引起土壤表面径流和渗出液中的磷组分流失。