- Unbelievably, it happened every day similarily after the very time that I finished the computer based test. 无法相信的是在考完计算机基础考试之后,类似之事天天发生。
- Abstract: Body-fitted hexahedron grid was obtained of high speed train head surface based on mapping approach. 摘 要: 利用映射法生成高速列车头部流场的六面体贴体网格。
- In the third chapter, it is illustrated that how to draw different contents on different surface based on the DirectX technique. 本文第三章详细说明了基于DirectX技术的分层显示方案的实现。
- A two-accelerometer based test method for measuring rocket rotation angle is put forward in this paper and its theoretical error is comprehensively analyzed. 文中提出一种利用两只加速度计测量火箭弹自转角的方法,并详细地讨论了该方法的测试原理误差。
- This paper presents a new algorithm for approximating offset surface based on the triangulation approximation mesh of the sphere. 给出了一种基于球面三角网格逼近的等距曲面逼近新算法。
- Biogeographical region A subdivision of the Earth's surface based on the particular species of plants and animals present. 生物地理区:特定动植物物种在地球表面的分布区域。
- Fire hazard testing - Part 2-10 : glowing/out-wire based test method - Glow-wire apparatus and common test procedure. 火灾危害试验.;第2-10部分:基于辉光灯丝的试验方法
- To improve machining efficiency and accuracy for free-form surface, a method of machining Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) surface based on STEP-NC was put forward. 摘要为提高曲面的加工效率和精度,提出了一种基于STEP-NC的非均匀有理B样条曲面加工方法。
- The general loading arithmetic of Gauss heat source in ANSYS welding simulation is loading heat flux(HF)on the whole welding surface based on TABLE array parameters. ANSYS焊接仿真中高斯热源的一般加载算法是:基于表参数的整面热流密度加载。
- Abstract:The function of line according to the need and ap- plication for VXIbus based test software platform is present- ed.The methods of realization of line and test are given. 摘要:根据VXI总线测试软件平台的要求和实际应用, 提出了连线应有的功能,阐述了连线的实现办法,并对 连线进行了测试。
- This enables developers to create initializations or tests in a base test class, from which all other derived tests classes will inherit. 这使开发人员可以在基本测试类中创建初始化或测试,而其他所有派生测试类都将继承该基本测试类。
- The results reveal that calculation errors can be reduced with the linear expending nodes, which can be found out by anti-inference method, decided on the limiting equilibration surface based on the advance LOSM method. 结果显示,用改进一次二阶矩法将线性展开点(可用反算法求得)选在极限平衡状态面上,可减小计算误差。
- This paper gives the data structure of triangle _ based of carving learning combined with carving learning characteristic,it rese arches the expandedness of carving learning surface based on physics model and g ives detailedly the algorithms. 该文结合雕刻学习曲面的特点,给出了雕刻学习曲面三角剖分数据结构,采用物理模型对雕刻学习曲面展开问题进行了详细的研究,并给出了详细的算法说明。
- By combining the Characteristics of Linear QuadTrees in searching neighbors with methods of Rendering Terrain Surface based on LoD techniques,the split phenomena could be eliminated. 其主要思想是:在基于LoD技术的地表细节层次模型的绘制方法的基础上,结合线性四叉树在邻域搜索上的特性,就能消除绘制中易出现的“裂痕”现象。
- Surface basis function of edge element is derived and implemented to discretize the integral equation in this paper. 提出并推导了任意表面棱边单元法的基函数 ,其特性和三维棱边单元法一样 ,保持切向分量连续。
- To meet the needs of identification through stereo bare footprint, this paper proposed a method for comparability determination of 3D surface based on LIM(Lorentz Information Measure). 摘要针对立体赤足迹身份鉴别的需要,提出了一种基于洛伦兹信息度量的三维曲面相似性判别方法。
- According to Kalman filter and multiple-failure-hypothesis based testing, the sensor failures are detected, isolated and accommodated in turbofan engine control system. 摘要研究利用卡尔曼滤波器及多重故障假设检验方法来检测某发动机控制系统传感器硬、软故障,并实现故障传感器的输出重构。
- A fuzzy sliding surface based on the T-S fuzzy model using Lyapunov function and the linear matrix inequality (LMI) method accounts for uncertainties in system parameters and exterior disturbances. 同时考虑到系统参数摄动和外部扰动等因素,在T-S模糊模型的基础上,利用Lyapunov函数方法和线性矩阵不等式(LMI)方法构造全局模糊滑模面,并设计模糊滑模控制器。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over. 液体表面渐渐地结了一层皮。