- They provide the iron ores which supply the industrial complexes of Detroit and the surrounding regions. 它们给底特律及其周围地区的工业联合企业提供铁矿石。
- Authorities in India warn residents to stay at home after new monsoon rains pound Bombay and the surrounding region. 印度的权威人士警告新一轮的强季风降雨即将来临并将袭击孟买以及周边地区,希望居民不要善自外出。
- And this report concerning Him went out in the whole of Judea and in all the surrounding region. 这关于耶稣的话,就传遍了整个犹太和四周全境。
- The results suggest that BDV infection possibly exists in VE patients in Ningxia and its surrounding region. 宁夏及其周边地区部分VE患者中可能存在BDV感染。
- Since wages are mush higher in South Africa than in the surrounding region, outsiders flock into find work. 由于在南非打工所得的收入高于周边地区的收入,使的在量外来人口涌入。
- Units from different guerrilla bands in the surrounding regions mobilized quickly to harass and slow the movement of the Soviets along roads leading to the panjshir. 从周围地区赶来的各游击支队迅速动员了起来,在通往帕尼希尔谷地的各条大道上骚扰和减缓苏联部队行进的速度。
- And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee. And reports about Him went out through all the surrounding region. 耶稣在那灵的能力中回到加利利,他的名声就传遍了四周全境。
- And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent word into all that surrounding region and brought to Him all who were ill. 那地方的人一认出是耶稣,就打发人到四周全境,把一切有病的带到他那里
- Serving alongside their like minded comrades in the Teutonic Order, Sword Brethren seek to remove the Pagan presense from Livonia and the surrounding regions. 素质:高级类型:宗教部队与条顿骑士团类似,宝剑骑士们亦全心致力于铲除立窝尼亚及周边地区的所有邪恶异端。
- Near the horizon, active regions around a sunspot eject hot plasma along the magnetic field lines that connect the sunspot to surrounding regions in the solar atmosphere. 在水平线附近,位于黑子周围的活跃区域沿着磁场线喷射出炽热的高速带电粒子,这些磁场线连接着黑子到太阳大气层内的周围区域。
- A significant price reduction of the region are mainly in Tongzhou, Lishui Qiao South Fourth Ring and the surrounding region. 降价较明显的区域则主要是通州、立水桥及南四环周边区域。
- Sometimes, in the roof, with a heavy presence on tethers, to the foundation laid down their shelves, from the surrounding region and its degree. 有时,可在房顶上用细绳栓上一重物,贴墙放下至墙脚,从四周检查其倾斜程度。
- This is also proven by the numerous partners and members who support Basel Tourismus in sustainably promoting awareness of the city and its surrounding region. 支持巴塞尔旅游局宣传这座城市及其周边地区的众多合作伙伴和成员也验证了这一点。
- In Somerset and the surrounding region international customers China, Europe and the United States nationals rates 65%, Korea also accounted for a small percentage of customers. 在赛特及周边区域的国际客户中,欧美籍人士高居65%25,日韩客户也占了一定比例。
- Capital ratios at Greek banks are high, enabling further acquisitions in the surrounding region: Piraeus Bank submitted an offer to buy Kreditprom, a Ukrainian bank, last month. 全球经济增长放缓的影响将波及到东南欧洲。
- And the most concentrated region shows the surrounding region] Minhang District foundation, the number of accounts for the largest body villa supply half of the country. 而最为集中的区域当属闵行区莘庄周围区域,其数量规模占申城联体别墅供应的半壁江山。
- China's Asia-Pacific security strategy has three objectives,i.e.,China's own stability and prosperity,peace and stability in its surrounding regions,and conducting dialogue and cooperation with all countries in the Asia-Pacific region. 中国的亚太安全战略有三个目标,即:中国自身的稳定与繁荣,周边地区的和平与稳定,与亚太各国开展对话与合作。
- Small galaxies may lie in cooler environments because they may not have heated their surrounding regions of gas to the same extent that the big galaxies did through supernova explosions and quasar energy. 小星系或许处在较冷的环境中,因为它们可能无法像大星系一般,透过超新星爆炸与类星体释放的能量,将其附近区域的气体加热到那麽高温。
- The result indicates that the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding regions show a high-value of maximal shear strain rates, and the strain rates in the Pamirs and Asam regions are the largest. 研究结果显示,青藏高原及其周边地区是最大剪切应变率的高值区,帕米尔和阿萨姆地区的应变率值最大。
- Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential. 周围的农田渐渐变成了住宅区。