- This paper introduces the Survivable Network Analysis (SNA) and properties of 3R (resistance, recognition, recovery), then proposes a method of quantifying. 该文在介绍生存性分析方法SNA基础上,分析了3R的任务和功能,提出了定量分析框架。
- survivable network analysis 网络可生存性分析
- I do alumni of a network analysis tool! 我的一个校友做的网络计算分析工具!-
- This kind of network analysis does not proceed by formal rules. 这种网络分析方法不按照正规的方法进行。
- Company DHCP network analysis methods to help document. 公司DHCP网络系统的分析方法,帮助文档。
- This paper analyses the survivable network management to guarantee fast restoration after failures happen, includingspare capacity design and dynamic management. 在分析故障快速恢复机制的基础上,重点研究了支持生存性的资源管理机制,包括空闲容量的设计和动态调整两方面。
- Social Network Analysis In Program Evaluation: New Directions For Evaluation, No. 网络分析:评估进展新方向。
- Level 1 (Applied Analysis Technician) Proves core competency in network analysis. 级别1(应用分析技术员)证明核心资格在网络分析。
- Social network analysis (SNA) is proposed as an analytical tool to explore coalition governance. 本文把社会网络分析(SNA)作为探究联合体治理的一种分析工具。
- The spare capacity assignment and self healing strategy are two very important aspects in the design of survivable networks. 在生存性网络设计中,空闲容量的分配和自愈策略的实现是两个很重要的方面。
- This interrelationship was supported by network analysis with 28 mutation steps between the two monophyletic clades. 单元型的网络分析也显示这两个支系间有高达28步的突变次数。
- In this study, 98 travel blogs on Tanshui were analyzed by semantic network analysis and content analysis. 本文利用语义网络分析与内容分析法解析98篇叙述淡水旅游经验的部落格文章。
- As two major research areas of network survivability, the research content of survivable network design and network capacity optimization are summarized and introduced in detail. 首先,论文介绍了课题的研究背景,并给出了网络抗毁性的定义。
- The study of the shortest path algorithm is the hinge of spatial network analysis in GIS. 摘要最短路径分析是地理信息系统(GIS)中空间网络分析的关键内容之一。
- Physical Structure Design for Survivable Network 抗毁网络的物理结构设计
- Ma Tsai-Chuan (2001) Bridging Gaps between Agency and Structure in the Labour Policy Process: a Policy Network Analysis. 马财专(2001)全球化劳力转移对台湾劳动政策发展之影响--一个结构性的初探。
- Must introduce UML for the goal which reaches the above, Utilize UML to carry on network analysis and systematic modeling. 为了达到以上的目标应引入UML,利用UML进行系统分析和系统建模。
- The pipe network in pneumatic cut tobacco feeding system was simulatively regulated by using MATLAB language and fluid network analysis. 运用MATLAB语言,采用流体网络分析法,对风力送丝系统中的风送管网进行了模拟调节。
- Has analyzed the original network analysis situs existence question, as well as the new network is opposite in the old network improvement. 分析了原有网络拓扑存在的问题,以及新网络相对于旧网络的改进。
- Yesterday, the focus of network analysis experts gathered Sohu vote OK importance from foreign capital property "conspiracy theory. 昨天,有关专家聚集搜狐焦点网分析国外投行逐鹿京城房地产的“阴谋论”。