- suspension sample intruction 悬浮液进样
- A new FAAS method for the determination of zinc and iron in maize flour using suspension sample introduction is described. 本文提出一种悬浮液进样-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定玉米面中锌、铁的新方法。
- The copper, lead and cadmium were determined by FAAS? suspension sample introduction technique without sample digested, that avoided the sample pollution and loss, the process is simplified greatly . 直接悬浮进样石墨炉原子吸收法测定铜、和隔,样品不用消化,极大地简化了步骤,避免了样品的污染和损失。
- Suspension Sampling technique had been used to FAAS for determining trace copper in tea. 将悬浮液进样技术应用于火焰原子吸收光谱法,成功地测定了茶叶中的微量铜。
- Keywords Suspension Sample;GA-AAS;Cadmium;laver; 悬浮液进样;石墨炉原子吸收光谱法;紫菜;镉;
- The method for the rapid determination of calcium and magnesium in shelled fresh shrimp by suspension sampling - flame atomic absorption spectrometry was developed. 建立了快速测定虾仁中钙、镁含量的悬浮液进样-火焰原子吸收光谱法。
- Suspension sampling technique was applied to flame atomic absorption spectrometry and was successfully used to determine calcium, magnesium in arrowroot flour. 将悬浮液进样技术应用于火焰原子吸收光谱法,测定了藕粉中的钙、镁含量。
- And the suspension bridge from hanging vines. 悬索桥受到了悬挂着的藤的启发。
- Conclusion:Displacement of ashing method by the suspension sampling method for the pretreatment of samle and the determination of manganese in Chinese medicinal herbs by FAAS are possible. 结论:用悬浮液进样法取代灰化法进行样品前处理,以火焰原子吸收光谱法测定中草药中的锰是可行的。
- A new method for rapid determination of microamount elements in Chinese medicinal herb has been developed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry with suspension sampling technique. 将悬浮液进样技术应用于火焰原子吸收光谱法,建立了中草药中微量元素的快速分析新方法。将样品粉碎、悬浮在琼脂胶体中制成悬浮液;
- What I need is nothing but a sample. 我需要的不过是一件样品而已。
- She appealed against her suspension. 她对被停职一事已经上诉。
- The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests. 护士抽了我的血样去化验。
- The poor suspension gives a rather bumpy ride. 因悬挂装置性能差,行驶时很颠簸。
- Airmail revised price list but full range sample within fortnight. 航空寄上订正价格表,全套样品两周内寄出。
- His job is to sample products for defects. 他的工作是抽样检查产品的瑕疵。
- He sent me a sample copy of the book. 他寄给我一本样书。
- Keywords Suspension Sample Introduction Technique;FAAS;Tomato Powder;Copper; 悬浮进样技术;火焰原子吸收法;番茄粉;铜;
- Keywords FAAS;Suspension sample introduction;Tobacco leaf;Copper;Iron; 火焰原子吸收光谱法;悬浮液进样;烟叶;铜;铁;
- He dipped into the bag and brought out a handful of sample wheat. 他把手伸进袋里,取出一把小麦样品。