- With one leg lying over and across the other leg. 跷二郎腿的一条腿交叉放在另一条腿上的
- Du Toit swam 6.2 miles with one leg. 而杜托伊特用一条腿游了6.;2公里。
- That frightening seaman with one leg has gone out of my life . 那个可怕的独腿海员总算从我的生活中消失了。
- He told me to watch for a seaman with one leg and to let him know the moment when a man like that appeared. 他告诉我要注意一个一条腿的水手,如果此人一出现,立刻向他报信。
- sustain with one leg 单腿支撑
- When Sally told that silly joke about the sailor with one leg she really put her foot in her mouth. 我们来举个例子看看什么样的情况下才是to put your foot in your mouth:
- If He smites with one hand, He sustains with the other. 若能晕倒在祂的怀中,也是一件美得无比的事!
- Not Suitable For: Lower back problems. Students can lie on their sides or with one leg bent and resting on one cheek. 不适合的人群:有腰部问题的学员。做尸体式时,睡在身体的侧边,或者弯起一条腿,放松一边臀部
- One day the Captain said to Jim:“I want you to keep a sharp look-out for a seafaring man with one leg . 有天老船长对吉姆说:“你帮我仔细留意一个人。他是个海贫,只有一条腿。
- I'm stunned, utterly insane. Almost as cool as the bloke with one leg playing DDR (I kid you not, can dig it up if you missed it). 我被震惊,完全发疯。象有玩DDR的一条腿的男人一样几乎凉爽(我不调笑你,如果你错过了它,能挖出它)。
- Jim meets Long John Silver, a man with one leg, and Jim and Long John Silver go far across the sea in a ship called the Hispaniola to Treasure Island. 他将在航程中遭遇到许许多多的考验,包括对付那些想要抢夺藏宝图的恶棍!
- He is lame in one leg and walks with the help of a crutch. 他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。
- "When Sally told that silly joke about the sailor with one leg she really put her foot in her mouth. 这句话翻成中文就是:"沙莉吃晚饭时说了一个笑话,拿一个只有一条腿的水手开玩笑。
- He strikes a most noble attitude, with one leg shoved forward, and his arms stretched away up, and head titled back, looking up at the Sky. 他摆出一副非常神气的姿势,把一条腿迈到前面,两只胳膊往上伸开,头往后仰,眼望着天。
- The one-year-old boy cannot stand on one leg. 这1岁的小男孩还不会单腿站。
- With actor husband are Yosuke (Toshiyuki Nagashima), and young rookie Junko Kotani (beautiful ornaments) with one leg, is ready and the United States divorced persons. 同是演员的丈夫洋介(永岛敏行饰)和年轻的新秀小谷纯子(美景饰)有了一腿,正准备和名美离婚。
- Lying on the side with one leg outstretched and eyes falling shut: The animal wants to go to sleep.Rabbis often lie down like this when they are exhausted. 比较常见的是在你身上“打洞”,特别是当你坐在桌边专心致志地干某件事时,兔子会跑过来在你的脚面上用爪子飞快地抓挠做打洞动作。
- With her husband actor Yosuke (Toshiyuki Nagashima), and the young rookie Junko Kotani (beautiful decorated) with one leg, and of the United States is preparing to divorce. 英文剧情:Tsuchiya popular actress of the United States (Kita Island dance ornaments) Although the cause of the sun at high noon; but the private sector is experiencing a critical life.
- Don't argue with one who is in hot blood. 不要和正在气头上的人争论。
- She wore a metal splint on one leg. 她的一条腿上上了金属夹板。