- Bioethanol( ethanol from biomass) is an alternative, sustainable energy source to fuel transportation. 生物乙烷是否可以替代汽车减少对石油的依赖?
- China has set bold targets to expand the renewable sector, but can the country really achieve sustainable energy? 中国制定了发展可再生能源的大胆目标。中国真的能够实现可持续能源的目标吗?
- As an ideal, clean and sustainable energy source, hydrogen has a bright future inthe 21st century. 在21世纪,氢气有着十分光明的应用前景,它的应用领域正在不断扩大,如化工合成、炼油重整、甲醇合成、煤的液化和甲烷化、航空航天以及金属冶金、电子、焊接、食品等领域。
- If there ever was a time to help steer America and the world towards a path of sustainable energy, now is the time. 如果有一个时机,可以引导美国和全世界走上可持续能源的道路,那么这个时机就是现在。
- It's widely hoped that Jatropha biodiesel production will offer a new, more sustainable energy source. 人们希望麻风树生产生物燃料真的可以提供一个新的,可持续的能源。
- Seth Dunn,Hydrogen Futures;Towarc a Sustainable Energy System,Worldwatch papar 157. 中国电力百科全书(第二版),核能及新能源发电卷,中国电力出版社,2001年3月
- Jean-Michel Collette.Sustainable Economic Development and Sustainable Energy Use.International Journal of Operational Research,Vol.4,N0.4. 北京市科学技术委员会.;可持续发展词语释义[M]
- It is a long and arduous task to use sustainable energy development to support the sustainable economic and social advancement. 利用可持续能源发展支持可持续经济社会进步是一个长期而艰巨的任务。
- China is rich in hydropower resources that play an important position in the energy balance and sustainable energy development. 摘要我国水力资源丰富,在能源平衡和能源可持续发展中占有重要的地位。
- Mission: CCEP supports China's efforts to develop a sustainable energy system that features energy efficiency and renewable energy as major resources. 使命:推动中国发展清洁、高效、价格合理的能源以及相关环保政策、策略和技术。
- His goals include stabilisation of the world's population, a move to sustainable energy use and “a new approach to global problem solving”. 他的目标包括稳定世界人口、实现能源的可持续利用、探寻“解决全球问题的新方法”等。
- Since Geotherm is a kind of clean and sustainable energy, the Gradient Utilization System of Geotherm will play an important role in the related field. 而地热作为一种清洁可持续利用的能源,地热能供暖系统的研究与推广必将为解决北京的环境问题做出巨大的贡献。
- GSHP technology,as one of the indigenous,high efficient,clean,savable and sustainable energy technology,must be widely spread and apply in our country. 地源热泵技术作为一种本土、高效、环保、节能和可持续发展的能源技术,必将会在我国得到广泛的推广和应用。
- The function of EWG Expert Groups may be strengthened and studies on the clean and sustainable energy development may be further enhanced. 14能源工作组下各专家小组之功能宜再加强,尤其应加强在净洁及永续能源发展之研究。
- Iceland has rich sustainable energy source, via the volcanic geology, and its government commits more resources to health than any other country in Europe. 冰岛的火山地质特征使其拥有丰富的可再生能源,冰岛政府在健康方面投入的资源比欧洲其它国家都要多。
- A generous package of grants and financial incentives will be needed to persuade householders to insulate their homes and use sustainable energy sources. 政府需要提供一套慷慨的补贴计划和财政激励,来劝说家庭安装绝缘装置、使用可再生能源。
- "A laboratorial process to research the spectrum of sustainable energy and energy awareness, with a particular interest in hydrogen as a potential future energy-source. "实验过程中研究频谱可持续能源和能源的意识,特别感兴趣氢气作为未来潜在的能源来源。
- Iceearth have rich sustainable energy source, via the volcanic geology, and its government commits abundance resources to health than any otIT country in Europe. 冰岛的火山地质特征使其拥有丰富的可再生能源,冰岛政府部门在康健方面投入的资料库比欧洲其它全国都要多。
- Swedish energy policy strives to create a sustainable energy system with a long term vision for Sweden to obtain all energy supply from renewable energy sources. 瑞典车厂虽然被卖来卖去,但是目前看来会照著母国能源政策的方向走,油电车是一个选项,但不见得是最后的选择,因为:
- Yet if that was not to be, later generations would presumably choose a safer climate and a sustainable energy system at the cost of inheriting a somewhat larger public debt. 但如果不行,未来的人类理当会选择较安全的气候,以及永续的能源系统,并愿意为此继承一个较大的公共债务。