- The rebel-held enclave is coming under sustained pressure from the army. 被叛军所控制的土地遭到军队持续不断的压迫。
- The rebel held and cleg as rebel-held enclave is coming sustain under sustained pressure from the army. 反叛者控制的这块飞地受到来自军队持续不断的压力。
- The rebel held unclaimed with rebel-held enclave is coming under sustained pressure from the armyand . 反叛者现在受到政府军强大的持续性的压力之下。
- As fears grew for the future of HBOS, its shares had come under sustained pressure, losing almost half their value in the previous week. 由于对HBOS未来发展的担忧加深,其股价一度持续受压,市值几乎比前一周损失了一半。
- Myofascial release is a body work technique in which a practitioner uses gentle, sustained pressure on the soft tissues while applying traction to the fascia. 肌筋膜释放就是一名医生用柔和而持续的压力作用于软组织,并使软组织牵引肌膜的技术。
- The hosts did muster a spell of sustained pressure, however, and Corry Evans was a touch fortunate to escape with a point-blank handball claim inside his own six-yard box. 主队承受了不小的压力。不过克里.;埃文斯的运气也不错,他在6码线上的手球逃过了处罚。
- But without sustained pressure from foreign competition, India's exporters will lack the incentive to respond by moving upmarket, and its government will continue to balk at much-needed liberalisation and structural reform. 不过,如果没有外国竞争带来的持续压力,印度出口商会缺乏向高端转向的应对动机,印度政府也会继续执拗不前,不去进行急需的开放和结构改革。
- The rebel held enclave is coming under sustained pressure from the army and aid agencies have expressed grave concern for what they say of more than 200,000 civilians trapped in the area. 叛军控制的这块飞地正受到来自军方的持续压力,救援组织也已对被困在该地区的20万多民众表示了严肃担忧。
- She owes her success to sustained hard work. 她把自己的成功归功于持续的艰苦工作。
- The sea wall sustained the shock of waves. 海堤经得起海浪的冲击。
- He sustained a serious wound in the stomach. 他腹部严重受伤。
- The beer comes out of the barrel under pressure. 啤酒受到压力从桶中流出。
- The new theory is sustained by facts. 这一新理论有事实证明。
- Our pressure vessel is licensed product. 我厂生产的压力容器是授权生产产品。
- Hope alone sustained him in his struggle. 在奋斗中,只有希望支持着他。
- Loss of pressure had not registered on the dials. 刻度盘未记录压力下降。
- Air pressure forces the water through the pipe. 空气压力使水通过管道。
- Sustained, harshly abusive language; invective. 骂人话尖刻的责骂性言词; 骂语
- What's the atmospheric pressure today? 今天的气压怎么样?
- The water pressure may need adjusting. 水压可能需要调整。