- Pretty girls shouldn't get a swelled head about it. 漂亮的女孩子不应该因漂亮而自以为了不起。
- He has had a swelled head since he went to Harvard. 自从他进入哈佛大学之後,他就得意得冲昏了头。
- He has a somewhat swelled head, I don't like this. 他颇有点自大,我不大喜欢他这一点。
- He has had a swell head since he go to harvard. 自从他进入哈佛大学之后,他就得意得冲昏了头。
- He has had a swell head since he went to Harvard. 自从他进入哈佛大学之后,他就得意的冲昏了头。
- He have have a swell head since he go to harvard. 自从他进入哈佛大学之後,他就得意得冲昏了头。
- A swelled head doesn't always indicate a surplus of brains. 自负的人不一定有颗智慧的脑袋。
- Don't get a swelled head because you got a promotion. 脑袋睡眠,并非真正的大头。
- He has a somewhat swelled head, and I don't like this. 他有些骄傲自大,我不喜欢这样。
- I don't like being around her. She has such a swelled head! 我不喜欢和她在一起,他太自负了!
- He has gotten such a swelled head since his promotion that he's insufferable. 升职后他变得很自负,令人难受。
- When Robert won the contest,he got a swollen head. 当劳勃赢得比赛时,他志得意满。
- Swelled heads are so preoccupied with the few things they know. 自命不凡者,脑中为其所知的少数食物所占据。
- Pretty girls shouldn't get a swollen head about it. 漂亮的小姐不应该因漂亮而自傲。
- When Robert won the contest, he got a swollen head. 当劳勃赢得比赛时,他志得意满。
- Doreen really annoys me. Just because her husband has been on television a few times it's given her a swollen head. 多琳实在使我生气,仅仅因为她丈夫上了几次电视,她就骄傲自大了。
- He had a swelled head. 一个人自满自大,我们说他
- He has a swelled head. 他有个自负的头脑。
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上。
- Her ankle swelled up after the fall. 她跌倒后脚踝肿了起来。