- swelling around the anus 沿肛痔
- The area around the anus in certain invertebrates, such as echinoderms. 围肛部某些无脊椎动物肛门的周围部分,如棘皮动物
- The area around the anus in certain invertebrates,such as echinoderms. 某些无脊椎动物的肛门周围部分,如棘皮动物。
- Strip where the hair is the thickest and use your scissors around the anus. 地带,而头发是最厚,并用剪刀,你周围的肛门。
- They are characterized by draining tracts in the skin around the anus. 该疾病的特点是肛门周围的皮肤有液体流出。
- Hydralzine (Apresoline)* may cause headaches, swelling around the eyes, heart palpitations or aches and pains in the joints. 这些症状一般均不严重,多数在治疗数周后即可消失。此类药物一般不单独使用。
- There is also a risk of added pressure on the brain as a result of swelling around the fracture area - increased pressure can crush soft tissue around the brain and can be fatal. 另一个存在的风险是对大脑增加的压力会扩大破碎区域---增大的压力可能压碎大脑的软组织,并且可能致命。
- The sphincter muscles around the anus will not allow things to pass through easily unless you relax and take it slow. 一定要慢慢来,霸王硬上弓只会让括约肌越发紧张。
- Distribution around the anus many nerve endings, buggery will stimulate these nerve endings, which will be transmitted to the general pleasure. 肛门周围分布着许多神经末梢,肛交会刺激这些神经末梢,进而将快感传递到全身。
- Ticks prefer to attach on the head and neck, in the ears, around the anus, near the shoulder blades, and between the toes. 蜱喜欢附在头和脖子上,进入耳朵,在肛门(菊花)旁边,接近肩胛,或者在脚趾中。
- Perianal gland tumors are located most commonly in the skin around the anus, but can also be found on the tail or groin. 肛周腺肿瘤通常位于肛门附近的皮肤内,但也有发生在尾巴和腹股沟的病例。
- Of those people who carry staph, most carry it in their noses but community-based MRSA also can live in and around the anus and is passed between sexual partners. 在这些葡萄球菌携带者中,很多是寄存在鼻腔中,但是MRSA也可寄居在鼻腔,同时可以在肛周并且在性伴侣间传播。
- The thug grappled him around the neck. 那个歹徒抓住了他的脖子。
- When the seed germinates, the hypocotyl appears firstly and swells around the end of it, and some hairs (hypocolyl hair) arise from the swelling. 萌发时首先出现下胚轴,继而末端膨大产生下胚轴毛,最后胚根分化;
- He had been bumming around the park all day. 他在公园里荡了一整天了。
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把绕在卡车上货物外面的绳子扎紧。
- We saw him watering the lawn around the house. 我们看见他在为屋子四周的草坪浇水。
- Some surgeons feel that digital dilatation of the anus (stretching the area by hand) is important after the operation, and this may be performed around the sixth day for about two days. 外科医生会觉得术后的扩肛非常重要,扩肛需要从术后第六天开始持续两天。
- The coccyx also supports the position of the anus. 尾椎骨还对于肛门的部位起到了支撑。
- During the arousal cycle the giver may begin to rhythmically move the inserted finger partially in and out, so as to stimulate the rich and super sensitive nerve endings around the anus. 在进入刺激的一个循环过程中,给与者可以一开始有节奏的进出移动插入的手指,这样子可以刺激到肛门周围敏感丰富的神经末梢。