- Control is transferred to the case statement which matches the value of the switch. 控制传递给与开关的值匹配的case语句。
- In a switch statement, the condition is evaluated only once and the result is compared to each case statement. 在switch语句中条件只求值一次并用来和每个case语句比较。
- If you can, please use the same switch case mold as the last time. 如果你能作到,请使用和上次一样的开关箱模具。
- Exit Select can be used only inside a Select Case statement. 只能在Select Case语句内使用Exit Select。
- The value of Color is then compared to the value for first Case statement. 然后将Color的值与第一个Case语句的值相比较。
- The case statement that matches the constant in the switch expression is only reachable; all other case statements are not reachable. 只能访问与switch表达式中的常数匹配的case语句,而无法访问其他所有case语句。
- Generates a switch statement and a set of case statements for the members of the enumeration specified by the EnumerationLiteral parameter. 为EnumerationLiteral参数指定的枚举成员生成一个switch语句和一组case语句。
- Also, the switch case labels changed to just the unqualified name as the constant. 同样,switch选择标签变为不再限制使用常量参数。
- To correct this warning, remove the unreachable code or verify that the constant used in the case statement is correct. 若要更正此警告,请移除无法访问的代码,或者确认在case语句中使用的常数正确无误。
- The code between the case statement and the break keyword is executed if the condition is met. 如果满足条件,则执行case语句和break关键字之间的代码。
- The following procedure uses a case statement to classify the results of a query. 下面的过程使用case语句对查询结果归类。
- Exit Select is valid only between a Select or Select Case statement and a corresponding End Select statement. Exit Select只在Select或Select Case语句和对应的End Select语句之间有效。
- If you want the flow of control to continue to another case statement, use the goto keyword. 如果要使控制流继续执行另一个case语句,请使用goto关键字。
- A message box appears displaying the message for the Case statement matching the number that you entered. 出现一个消息框,显示和您输入的数字相匹配的。
- A Case statement with multiple clauses can exhibit behavior known as short-circuiting. 具有多个子句的Case语句可能会表现出称为“短路”的行为。
- To program the StatusBar Control (Windows Forms) control to respond to user clicks, use a case statement within the PanelClick event. 若要对StatusBar控件(Windows窗体)控件进行编程以响应用户的单击操作,请在PanelClick事件中使用case语句。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- Make sure a valid Select or Select Case statement precedes the Exit Select and a valid End Select statement appears after it. 确保Exit Select之前有一个有效的Select或Select Case语句,之后有一个有效的End Select语句。
- The second Case statement contains the value that matches the current value of number, so the statement that writes "Between 6 and 8, inclusive" runs. 第二个Case语句包含与number的当前值匹配的值,因此,写入“Between 6 and8,inclusive”的语句将运行。
- Each Case statement can contain one or more values, a range of values, or a combination of values and comparison operators. 每个Case语句都可以包含一个或多个值、某个范围的值或值和比较运算符的组合。