- I did not feel at all sympathetic towards Kate. 我对凯特一点也不同情。
- He feels sympathetic towards them. 他很同情他们。
- You are kind and sympathetic toward those in need, but your way of giving help may be impractical. 你对那些需要帮助的人很善良、富同情心,但是你给予帮助的方式可能不切实际。
- He became sympathetic toward the Hindu gods and goddesses, explaining them in a liberal fashion. 他变得对印度教的神和女神有同情心,以一种自由主义的风格解释他们。
- Therapists say the high achiever often holds self-defeating double standards, feeling sympathetic toward the unemployed while assuming that unemployment would bring him only shame. 心理治疗专家表示,成就非凡的人经常树立不利于自己的双重标准,一方面他会对失业者表示同情,另一方面却认为失业只会带给自己耻辱。
- And sympathetic towards the sufferings of the FLG. (Note: I am NOT saying that she is a FLG member: I lack data. 该女士的发言可以看出;他确实是也肯定是个曾经的好学生;只不过他学的是共产党一手定义和包办的知识和历史包括人生观的建立等等.
- While some Bangladeshis might initially have been sympathetic towards the mutineers' complaints of low pay and mistreatment by their officers, the killings have horrified the nation. 尽管一些孟加拉国人民可能起初会对这些埋怨工资低和受到军官虐待的暴乱者产生同情心,但这个杀戮事件已令全国惊骇不已。
- When asked if he also feels sympathetic towards those Kashmiris who would rather their territory was not under Indian control, Mr Kapoor argued that such comparisons cannot legitimately be made. “我认为我们的政府太迁就中国了,我们应该大胆告诉他们我们对西藏问题的想法是,这几十年来犯的错误应该被纠正了。”他说。
- She angled her column of chitchat toward teenagers. 她的漫谈栏侧重于十几岁的青少年。
- He was sympathetic to [toward] their demands. 他同意他们的要求。
- He took a sympathetic attitude toward my situation. 他对我的境遇抱同情的态度.
- She was sympathetic to my ideas. 她对我的想法表示支持。
- He came across as sympathetic/a sympathetic person. 他给人以有同情心的印象。
- The man on the wall looked eagerly toward the sea. 城墙上的那个人急切地向大海张望。
- It is getting along toward sundown. 快到日落的时候了。
- He ran for dear life toward his house. 他拼命地向他的房子跑去。
- Not compatible or sympathetic, as in character. 志趣不同的指性格上不宽容,无同情心的
- The ground cools off toward evening. 傍晚时地面变凉。
- He was enormously sympathetic when my father died. 我父亲去世时他深为同情。
- She is sympathetic over what has happened. 她对已发生的事抱有同情心。