- Synchronous server sockets suspend the execution of the application until a connection request is received on the socket. 同步服务器套接字挂起应用程序的执行,直到套接字上接收到连接请求。
- Please check your MobiLink synchronization server installation. MobiLink同步服务器警告说明。
- Using a Synchronous Server Socket 使用同步服务器套接字
- The default port is 2439, which is the IANA registered port number for the MobiLink synchronization server. 缺省端口为2439,这是用于MobiLink同步服务器的IANA注册端口号。
- You can change the default behavior by starting the MobiLink synchronization server using the -zu option. 通过使用-zu选项启动MobiLink同步服务器,您可以更改缺省行为。
- You can have more than one Notifier running within a single instance of the MobiLink synchronization server. MobiLink同步服务器的单个实例中可运行多个通告程序。
- The host name or IP number on which the MobiLink synchronization server should listen. MobiLink同步服务器监听的主机名或IP值。
- The MobiLink synchronization server and client function as a group, managing the upload and download of data from one database to another. MobiLink同步服务器和客户端成组运行,用于管理数据库之间的数据上载和下载。
- In this case, the MobiLink synchronization server rejects any attempt to synchronize from a user name that is not present in the ml_user table. 在此种情况下,MobiLink同步服务器将拒绝任何ml_user表中不存在的用户名的同步企图。
- ML_CLIENT_TIMEOUT used to ensure that each step of a single synchronization is directed to the same MobiLink synchronization server. ML_CLIENT_TIMEOUT用于确保单个同步过程的每一步都定向到同一个MobiLink同步服务器。
- The deleted rows will not be sent up to the MobiLink synchronization server and hence will not be deleted from the consolidated database. 被删除的行不会传送到MobiLink同步服务器,因此这些行也不将从统一数据库中删除。
- The QAnywhere Agent carries out the task of sending the message to the MobiLink synchronization server, which in turn delivers it to its destination. QAnywhere代理执行将消息发送到MobiLink同步服务器的任务,MobiLink同步服务器再将消息传送到目标。
- Start the MobiLink synchronization server with a connection to the server message store and the options -m and -sl java. 使用到服务器消息库的连接及-m和-sl java选项启动MobiLink同步服务器。
- Command line options allow you to have the Monitor open a file or connect to a MobiLink synchronization server on startup. 命令行选项使您能够让监控器在启动时打开文件或连接到MobiLink同步服务器。
- The MobiLink synchronization server exchanges data with the ODBC driver using the character set determined by the collating sequence of the remote database. MobiLink同步服务器使用由远程数据库的归类序列决定的字符集与ODBC驱动程序交换数据。
- The MobiLink synchronization server, included with SQL Anywhere Studio, carries out data synchronization between the consolidated database and each UltraLite installation. SQL Anywhere Studio随附的MobiLink同步服务器在统一数据库与每个UltraLite安装之间执行数据同步。
- The number of seconds the MobiLink synchronization server waits to receive the next part of a partially completed synchronization before the synchronization is abandoned. MobiLink同步服务器在放弃同步之前等待接收未完成的同步中下一部分的秒数。
- The option clause is included to indicate that the MobiLink synchronization server should use version1 of the synchronization scripts when processing data from this client. 包含的选项子句指示MobiLink同步服务器在处理此客户端的数据时使用version1版的同步脚本。
- To make this easier, you can run the MobiLink synchronization server for Windows and for UNIX in such a way that, when you log off the computer it remains running. 为了使之更简单,您可以在Windows和UNIX中以这样的方式运行MobiLink同步服务器:当您注销计算机时服务器仍然保持运行。
- Following are examples of the sections of sync. Conf that configure the M-Business Anywhere web server to route requests to the MobiLink synchronization server. 以下是sync.;conf中某些部分的示例;这些示例配置M-Business Anywhere Web服务器以将请求路由到MobiLink同步服务器。