- syngenetic dolostone 同生白云岩
- Dolostone is the main rock type of the Cambrian in this area. 从下寒武统石龙洞组开始都是白云岩沈积。
- Gypsiferous mi-crocrystal dolostone and dolarenite formed by seepage-reflux ... 进行了白云石化分区分带研究,为下步勘探部署指明了方向。
- Syngenetic structures controlled the basin 's forming, settling and evolving. 同生构造控制了盆地的形成、沉积及演化。
- Relocation of syngenetic uranium may explain a characteristic feature of the deposits. 同生铀的重新分布可以用来解释矿床的一个典型特征。
- Carbonate rocks are predominantly composed of intra-clastic dolostone, chert dolostone and sand-bearing dolostone. 碳酸盐岩以内碎屑白云岩、燧石白云儿和含砂白云岩为主。
- The genesis of the deposit belongs to hydrothermal-exhalation stratabound deposit of syngenetic fault. 矿床成因属于同生断裂喷流热液层控矿床。
- Crystalline dolostone is formed by seepage-reflux dolomitization and burial dolomitization. 晶粒白云岩有两种成因:一为回流渗透白云石化;二为深埋藏白云石化。
- The dolostone includes sparry dolostone, residual-grained dolostone, residual limy dolostone and algae dolostone. 其中的白云岩主要包括结晶白云岩、残余颗粒白云岩、残余灰质白云岩和隐藻白云岩等类型。
- Grain dolostone is formed in the deep burial dolomitic environment by mixing-water dolomitization. 颗粒白云岩的形成与混合水白云石化作用和深埋藏成岩作用有关;
- There is a series of strata composed of dolomitite, calcareous dolostone and quartzose sandstone. 大青山地区发育一套以白云岩、灰质白云岩和少量石英砂岩为主的地层。
- The reef dolostone is formed in mixed water which is mainly controlled by frequent change of the sea level. 礁白云岩具有典型的混合带白云石化特点,受海平面频繁变化影响;
- The concept of syngenetic fault is known as growth fault or synsedimentary fault. 同生断层也称生长断层、同沉积断层。
- The slumping event deposits were mainly breccia dolostone (limestone) while the turbidity current event deposits were turbidity grain limestone (dolostone). 其中滑塌事件的沉积产物主要为滑塌角砾白云岩(石灰岩),浊流事件的沉积产物主要为浊积颗粒石灰岩(白云岩)。
- In the upper Jurassic to Tertiary, there is the alkali diagenetic ambient, in which the inter-pore fluid is inherited from the buried syngenetic water, i.e., alkali saline. 上侏罗纪至第三系为碱性成岩环境,隙间流体继承了封存同生水特征,为碱性盐卤水。
- The reef underwent four diagenetic period , such as syngenetic , eogenetic , telogenetic , and hypergene diagenetic period. 生物礁经历了同生成岩、早成岩、晚成岩和表生成岩四个阶段。
- According to whether remnant grains exist, post-penecontemporaneous dolostone can be divided into remnant grain dolostone and crystalline dolostone. 准同生后白云岩根据残馀颗粒的有无可分为残馀颗粒白云岩和晶粒白云岩两大类。
- Fluids in basins mainly include saline hot fluid, hydrocarbon, metal\|enriched thermohaline, partial syngenetic water and underground water. 含盐盆地中主要的流体类型有含盐热流体、烃类流体、富金属热流体及同生水和大气水等。
- Based on above, through analysing the porosity of the dolostone, the results show that the dolostone bed is a good reservoir bed. 在沉积期后变化中经历了多种成岩作用改造,其中影响白云岩储集性的作用主要为溶蚀作用、重结晶作用和构造应力作用。
- According to the mechanism of dolomitization, it can be divided into penecontemporaneous dolostone and post-penecontemporaneous dolostone. 白云岩可据白云石化作用的机理和时间分为准同生白云岩和准同生后白云岩两大类。