- syphilitic canaliculitis 梅毒性泪小管炎
- We reported a case of syphilitic uveitis. 摘要本篇报告一例梅毒性葡萄膜炎的病例。
- Eight cases of oral syphilitic eruption in secondary syphilis are reported. 报告8例口腔二期梅毒疹患者。
- People who have been cured of syphilis are immune to new syphilitic infections. 梅毒被治愈的人对新的梅毒感染有免疫能力。
- The application of the ointment to syphilitic lesions was an obvious choice. 到梅毒的损害的软膏的应用程序是显然的选择。
- Results 16 syphilitic had one or more than one treponemal antibodies in CSF. 结果有16例梅毒患者脑脊液存在梅毒抗体。
- Conclusion: Potassium iodicle is effective in treatment of syphilitic ... 结论:碘化钾对梅毒血清固定的治疗是有效的。
- Abstract: Eight cases of oral syphilitic eruption in secondary syphilis are reported. 文摘:报告8例口腔二期梅毒疹患者。
- Schopenhauer has said that syphilitic sores were the most distinctive feature of modern European civilization. 叔本华早说近代欧洲文明的特点,第一是杨梅疮。
- The incidence of syphilitic uveitis has fluctuated during the past century, and the diagnosis was easily overlooked. 摘要梅毒性葡萄膜炎之发生率,在过去这一世纪来起浮不定,因此诊断易被忽略。
- Objective: To observe the efficiency of Potassium Iodicle to treat patients with syphilitic sero-fixation. 目的:观察碘化钾治疗梅毒血清固定的临床疗效。
- Her husband's philandering continued right up until his death, and the result is that her son is syphilitic. 她的丈夫总是称她为“我的小鸟”或“我的小松鼠”。她甚至没有权利拥有自己的信箱钥匙。
- In 1690, as they epidemic slowed down a bit, hospitals were the place for most syphilitic patients. 在里面1690,作为他们流行病慢下来的一点,医院是为最梅毒的病人的地方。
- Purpose: to study the possibility of treating syphilitic uveitis with vitrectomy, and observe its safety as well as validity. 目的:报道玻璃体切割在梅毒性葡萄膜炎中的应用。观察其治疗效果及安全性。
- Syphilis is the infectious disease which causes by the syphilitic spirochaeta, mainly disseminates by way of the sex act. 梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体引起的传染病,主要经由性行为传播。
- Methods Eighty cases of syphilitic bone disease whom the author had treated in Cameroon,were studied and described retrospectively. 方法 作者就其在非洲喀麦隆国家所诊治的骨梅毒病人进行总结、回顾、描述。
- Conclusion The common causes of brain infarction in the young are atherosclerosis, cardiogenic brain infarction and syphilitic arteritis. 结论青年人脑梗塞的病因以动脉粥样硬化、心源性脑栓塞、梅毒性动脉炎最常见。
- They used actual medical reels, medical footage of child birth or images of syphilitic genitals, decayed eyeballs, babies who had contracted syphilis from their mothers. 它们会夹杂上很多真实的医学纪录片画面,分娩、感染了梅毒的生殖器、腐烂的眼珠、从母体感染了梅毒的婴儿等等。
- The syphilis is one kind of dissemination disease which syphilitic spirochaeta(spirochetes spirochaeta pallida causes by,is one kind of whole body chronicity infectious disease. 梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体引起的一种性传播疾病,是一种全身性慢性传染病。
- Methods Treponemal antibodies were measured in 69 treated syphilitic that had no neurologic symptoms but with persisting positive RPR(mor e than one year). 方法对69例经过数疗程常规驱梅治疗但RPR持续阳性(1年以上)且无神经系统临床表现的梅毒患者的脑脊液进行梅毒抗体检测。