- We ensure compatibility and replaceability though by using a modular and system approach. 但我们还是运用了模块化和系统化的方法保证了产品的兼容性和可替换性。
- System theory that researches system approach is lodged as the contradictory of deoxidize approach. 研究系统方法的系统论是作为“还原论”的对立物被提出来的。
- Ensures a global quality system approach in the supply chain for supplier/subcontractor service consistency. 为供应商/转包商服务一致性在供应链保证一条全球的质量系统途径。
- I/O switching takes a system approach to I/O bottlenecks by matching switch-to-server throughout to server bus capacity. I/O交换采用系统方法,通过将交换机到服务器的吞吐能力与服务器总线能力相匹配来解决I/O瓶颈问题。
- Marquardt, M. J.(1996). Building the learning organization: A system approach to quantum improvement and global success. New York: McGraw-Hill. 杨国德(民83)。发展学习组织,推动终生学习的策略。载于中国教育学会主编:教育改革。台北市:师大书苑。
- Kerzner Harold, Project Management:A system Approach to Planning, Scheduling and controlling. NY:Van Nostrand Reinhold,1997. 王庆富,专案管理,联经出版事业公司,台北市,1996。
- I/ O switching takes a system approach to I/ O bottlenecks by matching switch-to-server throughout to server bus capacity. o交换采用系统方法,通过将交换机到服务器的吞吐能力与服务器总线能力相匹配来解决I/o瓶颈问题。
- Gu Jifa, Tang Xijin. Wuli-Shili-Renli System Approach: Theory and Applications [M], Shanghai Scientific and Technological Education Publishing House, 2006. 顾基发,唐锡晋,物理-事理-人理系统方法论:理论与应用,上海科技教育出版社,2006
- Subsequently,by making use of the delay system approach,the stability analysis and controller synthesis are solved for the closed-loop NCSs accordingly. 然后,利用相应的时滞系统方法,对闭环网络控制系统进行了稳定性分析和控制器综合。
- The Systems Approach, C. West Churchman, Dell Publish Co., Inc. New York. 系統概论,謝長宏,華泰文化事業公司,民89年。
- The systems approach makes use of the computer simulation to reduce drastically the chance of committing this error. 系统工程方法利用计算机模拟技术可以大大地减少发生这个错误的机会。
- The adoption of a systems approach ensures that each aspect of the business is coordinated, in addition to equipping it with an @early-warning system. 采用系统处理方式,不但可使企业拥有“早期警报系统”,而且能使企业各方面充分协调。
- It therefore astonishes me to find this system approaching so near to perfection as it does. 所以,我震惊地发现,现有的系统已经很接近于完美了。这种“老”英文,读起来很别扭,跟现在律师写的东东差不多。
- Benyamin Chetkow-Yanoov(1997/2001)Social Work Practice: A Systems Approach(2th Edition). 江佩玲、潘英美(译)。社会工作实务:系统取向(第二版)。台北市:五南。
- A systems approach was adopted to support the initiative's objectives and conform to its guiding principles. 需要采用一项系统方法来支持行动计划的目标,并符合其指导原则。
- Installation of the operating system approaches : 1 : If you are win98 into pure DOS system, if you WIN2000, please use other disk boot the system. 如果你懂一点汇编和操作系统的知识的话,请多多联系。操作系统安装办法: 1:如果你是win98,进入纯DOS系统,如果你是win2000,请用其他磁盘启动系统。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- To pursue the systems approach one need not necessarily study all of these aspects of agriculture, certainly not in a methodical way. 在应用食物体系方法时,一个学者无须研究这个体系的所有方面,至少在方法论上是如此。
- Moreover,successful supply chain management requires companies to apply the systems approach across all organizations in the supply chain. 并且,成功的物流链管理需要各公司去适应链条上各个组织所公认的系统方式。