- system bus control signal 系统总线控制信号
- Table 3-25 is a truth table of the 8251 bus control signals. 表3-25是8251总线控制信号的真值表。
- A CAN field bus control system was introduced. 介绍了一种基于CAN总线的控制系统。
- Research of the Integrated Avionics System Bus Control Scheme 航空电子综合系统总线控制方案研究
- System bus error or mouse error. 总线或鼠标故障。
- The system bus is divided into three logical functions; the address bus, the data bus and the control bus. 系统总线的功能在逻辑上被划分为三部分:地址总线、数据总线和控制总线。
- Connection signal to an engine governor, to force the generator set to synchronize to the system bus. 同步器是用来监测两个电压源之间的相位关系的电子设备,它向发动机调速器发出信号,以促使发电机组与系统母排能够同步。
- The control bus contains various lines used to route timing and control signals throughout the system. 控制总线则包含几条表示路由分时和系统的控制信号。
- The system bus is divided into three logical functions: the address bus,the data bus and the control bus. 系统总线的功能在逻辑上被划分为三部分:地址总线、数据总线和控制总线。
- The other host of signal are control signals. 另一组信号是控制信号。
- Compares the DCS(Distributed Control System)with the FCS(Field Bus Control System). 对比了当前国际上比较流行的DCS(分布式控制系统)和FCS(现场总线控制系统)的优点和缺点。
- The response of a terminal to remote control signals. 终端对远程控制信号的响应。参阅handshaking。
- Expands the control signal for parallel steam generators. 使用并联的蒸汽炉时可用此配件扩大控制讯号。
- Comparing to the traditional DCS system,the field bus control system(FCS) has advantages in opening,control dispersion,information comprehension and flexible stating over DCS. 与传统的分散控制系统(DCS)相比,现场总线控制系统(FCS)在开放性、控制分散性、信息综合、组态灵活等方面均优于DCS。
- Double-click Universal Serial Bus controllers. 双击“通用串行总线控制器”。
- Faster system bus speeds than previous generations for increased throughput. 比前代产品更快的系统总线速度,可显著提高吞吐率。
- Design Of Programme - controlled Signal. 程控信号发生器的设计。
- EIC-2000 control system that used field bus technique and IEC1131-3 programming standard was a field bus control system. EIC - 2 0 0 0控制系统采用了现场总线技术、IEC1131- 3编程标准等一系列先进技术的现场总线控制系统
- It has a CPU, memory, a system bus, and various input/output interfaces. 它有CPU;记忆体;系统汇流排和各种输入/输出介面.
- The control signal is softened so that the chattering phenomenon in a conventional sliding mode control system is alleviated. 该设计方案柔化了控制信号,减轻了一般滑模控制的抖振现象。