- The name of the system definition appears in the upper left corner. 在左上角显示系统定义名称。
- Add a Web service to a member of the system definition. 向系统定义的成员中添加Web服务。
- A single use of each application or system definition appears on the system diagram as a member of the current system. 每个应用程序或系统定义的单个使用在系统关系图上显示为当前系统的一个成员。
- You can add single or multiple uses of a system definition to the system diagram. 可以向系统关系图中添加对系统定义的一次或多次使用。
- You can author new resources using the System Definition Model (SDM) Software Development Kit (SDK). 您可以使用系统定义模型(SDM)软件开发工具包(SDK)创作新资源。
- A deployment diagram contains references to a single system definition and a single logical datacenter definition. 部署关系图包含对单个系统定义和单个逻辑数据中心定义的引用。
- You will perform this task by delegating the behavior of the system definition to one of its members. 此任务可以通过将系统定义的行为委托给它的某个成员来执行。
- One or more deployment diagrams can appear in the same directory as its associated system definition. 一个或多个部署关系图可与其关联的系统定义出现在相同目录中。
- Visual Studio adds a new system diagram (. Sd) file to your solution for each new system you add to a system definition. 对于添加到系统定义中的每个新系统;Visual Studio将在解决方案中添加一个新的系统关系图(.;sd)文件。
- The solution must first contain an application diagram that defines the applications that you want to add to the system definition. 解决方案必须首先包含一个应用程序关系图,它定义要添加到系统定义的应用程序。
- When you add a proxy endpoint, it appears on the edge of the system definition shape and is connected by a delegation line. 添加代理终结点时,该终结点将会显示在系统定义形状的边缘上,且通过委托线进行连接。
- Deleting a connection from the system diagram removes only the connection information between the endpoints on the affected members in the current system definition. 从系统关系图中删除连接时,只能移除当前系统定义中受影响的成员上的终结点之间的连接信息。
- If you plan to deploy an application or system more than once within the context of a system, you can add multiple uses of that application or system definition. 如果计划在系统的上下文中多次部署应用程序或系统,可以添加该应用程序或系统定义的多次使用。
- To continue designing this system, you can add or remove members of the system definition, edit or create new connections, override settings, or define deployment for the system definition. 若要继续设计此系统,可以添加或移除系统定义中的成员、编辑或创建新连接、重写设置或者为系统定义指定部署。
- If a system definition is composed from other systems, applications that comprise those systems will not be visible on the system diagram for you to bind to logical servers. 如果系统定义由其他系统组成,则组成这些系统的应用程序(要绑定到逻辑服务器)在系统关系图上不可见。
- The depiction of a single composite system definition showing uses of either application definitions or a system definitions. 对单个复合系统定义的描述,显示应用程序定义或系统定义的使用。
- This requirement emphasizes how this change to a member's definition affects the uses of that definition in other system definitions. 此要求强调对成员定义的这种更改如何影响该定义在其他系统定义中的使用。
- An existing system diagram might display one or more uses of application or other system definitions. 现有的系统关系图可以显示应用程序定义或其他系统定义的一次或多次使用。
- The application diagram will display the definitions of any applications that you add as members to the system definition. 应用程序关系图显示作为成员添加到系统定义中的任何应用程序的定义。
- However, from what I saw, the Hukou system definitely reverses the supposed Chinese education goal. 然而,我所看到的却是在户口体制的干涉下中国的教育现状与它的理论目标是背道而驰的。