- Please check the system event log for details. 有关详情,请查看系统事件记录。
- Call event displays the last system event related to a call. Call event显示系统上一次的接通记录。
- The provider registration overlaps with the system event domain. 提供程序注册与系统事件域重叠。
- Generated exe files provide record system event log support. 生成的exe文件提供记录系统日志功能。
- To determine whether the named system event already existed or was created. 指定的变量中的值来确定命名的系统事件是否已存在或已创建。
- System event notifications are not supported under the current context. 当前上下文不支持系统事件通知。
- The system event code runs a thread separate from the main application. 系统事件代码运行一个独立于主应用程序的线程。
- Object that represents a named system event by using one of the constructors that specifies an event name. 您可以使用一个能够指定事件名称的构造函数来创建表示命名系统事件的。
- Component, used in this sample, provides access to the operating system event logs. 组件提供对操作系统事件日志的访问。
- The operation did not complete. Check the System Event Log for more information on the error. 操作没有完成。有关错误的详细信息,请查阅系统事件日志。
- Warning: A fatal error has caused system reset! Please check the system event log! 致命错误导致系统重设!请查看系统事件日志!
- Troubleshoot this error by examining the system event log for hardware-related error messages. 通过检查系统事件日志获得硬件相关错误消息来纠正引错误。
- This code example requires that the application have permission to access the system event log. 此代码示例要求应用程序具有访问系统事件日志的权限。
- The system event log may contain a related event that helps to diagnose the problem. 系统事件日志可能会包含有助于进行问题诊断的相关事件。
- You can use this method any time that you need to handle a system event that is not exposed otherwise by the. 类未另行公开的系统事件进行处理时,可以随时使用此方法。
- Server processes, for example, might not support global system event notifications. 例如,服务器进程可能不支持全局系统事件通知。
- The attempt to create a system events window thread did not succeed. 创建系统事件窗口线程的尝试未成功。
- This System event requires replacement service to be administered to one or more field replaceable units listed. 此系统事件需要将更换服务指定给列出的一个或更多字段更换单位。
- In SLIP,a set of conditions that describe a system event to be intercepted and the action to be taken after the interception. 在可服务性级别指示处理(SLIP)中,描述被截取系统事件的一组条件,以及截取后应采取的措施。参阅SLIP。
- There are three default event logs on any computer: an Application event log, a Security event log, and a System event log. 任何计算机上都有三个默认的事件日志:一个Application事件日志,一个Security事件日志,及一个System事件日志。