- Property right is the kernel of system of ownership. 摘要产权是所有制的核心和主要内容。
- Changing the system of ownership is not the only way for state-owned commerce. 改变所有制不是国有商业的惟一出路。
- What is misshapen?A kind of any system of ownership have possibly misshapen. 什么是残缺?任何一种所有制都可能有残缺。
- And then, the bsic ideas of Karl Marx about the system of ownership in future society are summarized and analysed. 其次 ,概括和分析了马克思关于未来社会所有制的基本构想 ;
- And itself of praedial system of ownership and movable droit have fundamental difference. 且不动产所有制本身与动产所有权有根本的差别。
- This also is the place that having substaintial distinction with capitalist national system of ownership. 这也是与资本主义的国家所有制有着本质区别之所在。
- According to Stalin, the system of ownership is the basis of the relations of production. 斯大林说,生产关系的基础就是所有制。
- That is to say, in relation of collective system of ownership, any person, since is possessory, not be possessory. 就是说,集体所有制关系中,任何一个人,都既是所有者,又不是所有者。
- Category of system of ownership of the whole people and market economy category are antipathic. 全民所有制范畴与市场经济范畴是不相容的。
- The neonatal bureaucrat system of ownership and mar ket economy not only produce the new classes,but also make them possess exces sive wealth. 新生的官僚所有制和市场经济不仅促成新阶级,也使它们拥有过量财富,这就是“阶级-财富”、“阶级-剥削”和“阶级-权力”对应原理;
- The principles or system of ownership and control of the means of production and distribution by the people collectively. 集体主义由全体人民集体决定的生产、分配和所有制体制或原则
- The system of ownership of property in the United States, meaning free from any claims or rights of a monarch or a feudal lord. 美国物业所有权制度,即免除一切君主或封建主的拥有权或权力。
- The system of acquisition bona fides refers to the protection for safety of ownership of property and property transaction in civil law. 摘要善意取得制度涉及民法财产所有权的静的安全与财产交易的动的安全之保护问题。
- Droit can concern from law or economy two angle will hold, system of ownership is the property that holds from economic impact angle. 所有权可以从法律或经济关系两个角度来把握,所有制是从经济关系角度把握的所有权。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Joint management Shanxi saves the of all kinds system of ownership of churchyard and the coal company of all sorts of subordinating relation. 共同治理山西省境内的各类所有制和各种隶属关系的煤炭企业。
- The national system of ownership that says syncretic of " politics look forward to is the main implementation form of state ownership. 说"政企合一的国家所有制是公有制的主要实现形式。
- Praedial system of ownership is to use this power of praedial object, it is the right that controls this one target freely. 不动产所有制是利用该不动产对象的一套权力,是自由支配这一对象的权利。
- On these islands a system of barter is used. 在这些岛上仍然实行着物物交换的制度。
- Science and technology does not create value, but its are possessory attainable pay, because have a variety of system of ownership,its reason is. 科学技术不创造价值 ,但其所有者可得到报酬 ,其原因是因为有多种所有制。