- Multiparameter inversion of a layer of vegetation canopy over rough surface from the system response function based on the mueller matrix solution of pulse echoes 来自根据脉冲回波mueller矩阵分辨率的系统反应函数在原始表面上植被天空层的多参数逆转
- system response function 系统响应函数
- This formula supports immune system response, easy breathing, healthy respiratory function and clear sinuses. 这个配方是能刺激免疫系列的反应,呼吸顺畅,健康的呼吸功能和清除鼻窦炎。
- Furthermore, the effects of different control strategies on the frequency response function(FRF) of a cantilevered rod/ACLD system were studied. 此外,研究了不同控制策略对悬臂ACLD杆结构频响函数的影响。
- Aim: To study the health system response in Zhengzhou City. 目的:探讨郑州市医疗卫生服务系统的反应性。
- Finally, the basic impulse response function is illustrated. 最后举例探讨了基脉冲响应函数。
- The frequency response function includes an aerodynamic transfer function. 频率的主函数包括主动力传递函数。
- Intrusion Detection System is an active security technology developed in the recent decade, which integrates detection, audit, alert and response function. 入侵检测系统是近十几年发展起来的新一代集检测、记录、报警响应于一体的动态安全技术。
- This paper gives the effect of the temperature of the standard blackbody for calibration of EQUINOX55 remote sensing FTIR emission system on the instrument response function. 本文考察了黑体温度对EQUINOX55型遥感傅里叶变换红外光谱的响应函数的影响。
- They develop peak torque capabilities with high slide acceleration and low intertia for optimized system response. 他们产生最大转矩的能力比功能产生迅速滑动加速和最优化系统响应。
- At last I find a new abutting joint method to extend the system response ratio to ultraviolet band. 我们在仅有紫外福照度标准灯的情况下,找到了一种光谱响应系数对接的方式,从而将仪器的可见区光谱响应系数延伸到了紫外区域。
- This study is the validation test setup for identifying the SRS sensing module component and package system response. 摘要本研究为汽车安全气囊感测系统模组设计完成前,针对其系统套件与安装盒组所建立之测试验证。
- At last, the problem about physical meaning of radiation response function and radiometric precision are discussed. 最后,对实验获得“辐射响应函数”的物理意义以及辐射定标精度等问题进行了讨论。
- On the basis of pilot-aircraft system response the interplay between pilot workload and system dynamics is exposed. 基于人-机系统响应特性可揭示出驾驶员工作负荷和系统动态特性之间相互影响。
- The sensitive time lag theory circumvents the problems inherent in the description of unsteady combustion by use of a simplified two-parameter response function. 敏感时滞理论用简化的双参数响应函数来描述不稳定燃烧,从而绕过了某些固有的难点。
- However, you can run the population process in the background during business hours without significant impact on system response time for users. 但是,可以在上班期间后台运行填充过程,而不会对用户的系统响应时间产生显著影响。
- In the paper,we use the response function program developed by Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research,University of Arizona,USE. 本文利用由美国亚利桑那大学年轮实验室研制的响应函数计算程序,对干旱的天山东端的13个树轮年表,计算了其响应函数。
- The expression of motion-excited aerodynamic force in time domain is obtained in the form of pulse response function putted forward by Lin. 采用Lin 提出的脉冲响应函数表达的气动力公式计算自激力,推导了其在时域下的表达形式。
- When adopted Fuzzy-PID control the overshoot of system response of step signal is no more than 2% and steady-state pressure error is no more than 1kPa. 系统跟踪阶跃信号时,响应曲线的超调量不超过2%25,压力控制误差不超过1kPa。
- The relationship between number of required pulse motors and system response time was discussed in quick turn period and transition process. 重点讨论在快速转弯段以及快速响应过载段消耗脉冲发动机个数和系统响应时间之间的关系。