- Do not restore the system state. 不还原系统状态。
- System state changes occur every day. 系统状态每天都会发生更改。
- Only Administrators can restore the System State. 只有管理员可以恢复系统状态。
- By the GSE, the united global power system state including transmission and distribution network can be estimated. 它以全局电力系统为研究对象,能估计出一体化的发输配全局电力系统状态。
- These APIs back up and restore the domain controller system state. 这些API可备份和还原域控制器系统状态。
- Both of these backup sets include a backup of System State data. 这两个备份集都包括系统状态数据的备份。
- This option is enabled by default for a System State backup. 对于系统状态备份,此选项是默认启用的。
- Automatically backup System Protected Files with the System State. 自动备份带有系统状态的系统保护文件。
- system state distribution 系统状态分布
- The status bar shows you the system state at a glance. 状态栏显示您的系统的总体状态。
- Now we have developed the measurement system of state distribution of the electric charge with TOF method, and use the system to measure the state distribution of electric ion charge from the MEVVA source. 我们已经研制出了飞行时间 TOF(Time of Flight)方法电荷态分布测量系统,并用该系统测定了MEVVA(MetalV por Vacuum Arc)源产生离子的电荷态分布。
- A model of the band-tail state distribution is built using the Kronig-Penney model. 用克龙尼克-潘纳模型给出了带尾态分布。
- Accordingly the variables X and X are known as the system state variables. 相应地,变量X和X就称之为系统的状态变量。
- In this paper, steady state distribution parameter model is applied to carry out computer simulation of herringbone wavy fin condenser. 本文采用稳态分布参数模型对人字型波纹片冷凝器进行计算机仿真。
- System state backups must contain the required level of fault tolerance. 系统状态备份必须包含所需的容错级别。
- Only Administrators and Backup Operators can restore the System State. 只有管理员和备份操作员可以还原系统状态。
- Moreover, State distribution of residence is important because blacks are overrepresented in the South, where wage rates are typically lower than elsewhere and where racial differentials in income are greater. 而且,居住在哪个州也很重要,因为南部黑人比例大,工资通常比其他地方低,种族之间的收入差别较大。
- Sinochem International has Monsanto glyphosate, herbicide-lactams in China, Southeast Asia and South Asia 6 States 2 States distribution rights. 中化国际目前拥有孟山都公司草甘膦、酰胺类除草剂在中国、东南亚6国及南亚2国的经销权。
- Therefore, any changes that are made to groups after the date of system state backup are lost. 因此,系统状态备份之后对组进行的任何更改都将丢失。
- These APIs non-authoritatively or authoritatively restore a system state backup. 这些API会以非权威性或权威性方式还原系统状态备份。